ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European The Evolution

Posted by tXX: | Last Online:

The Evolution is a team with friendly and calm members, we don't frust and we like to have fun, we're a team wich has players from all over the world and we all speak English on Ts3, we are looking for a friendly and calm Scout.

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  1. Vaporeon: NASA said:

    Hey, I’ll apply for the spot but Im going to be unavailable until the 24th got IGCSE exams so my priority is on that but after that I’ll be able to play most of the time. who should I add for a trial though?

  2. Kab said:

    Hey, im a 6s scout, around div 5 – 6 and id like to apply for your team before this season is started, because my other team broke down because of the lack of members. I have aprox 2000 hours on tf2. And i main scout and sniper. Aswell as soldier and demoman if needed.