ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

International Team Goliath

Posted by Temioman: | Last Online:

My name is Temioman, I own a community called Goliath Gaming. This team is the official Goliath Gaming team. We sponsor other teams aswell such as Team Reverto Goliath a div 1/2 team.

What This team expects of you:
>Available on: Monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,saturday (exceptions can be made if you say to me you are not available, we only organize scrims that everyone can make, if you say you can make it but you are not on, then you will get a strike, 3 strikes and you are out of the team, strikes can also be awarded for unfriendly or spiteful behavior)
>Fluent in English (if your from a Scandinavian country we make acceptions, we love you guys! but you still need to know english well)
>Full co-operation
>The want to learn
>A commitment to the team

What you can get out of us:
>Full mumble server
>training from one of the best teams in ETF2L:Team Reverto Goliath
>A guaranteed game every one of the practice nights

We are looking for:1 x scout, 2 x soldiers, 1 x medic, 1 x demoman

Team Profile

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5/Div 6 2 90
View Div 5/Div 6 2 154


  1. alba: duplo said:

    Temioman is very organised as a leader and will be leading this team well, GL mate!

  2. Bobinsky: chumtoad. - regretful said:

    At what times will the team be playing? If i can play at those times id love to try out as roamer or perhaps pocket if needed. I have 1300h total and 350 on soldier. I have little comp experience, iv’e played some mixes and i lobby from time to time.
    Im 17 years old and im form Sweden. Add me if you want me to try out.

  3. Phnx: kZk said:

    Hey, I’m Phoenix, I would like to try our for pocket, and perhaps main caller.
    I am from israel and I can speak fluent english:).
    I can scrim 3-5 times a week from 16:00 CEST to 20:45 CEST (I can’t afterwards).
    contact me for more info.

  4. SorroW: iveR - VDOH said:

    why are people now saying how much hours they got as some kind of indication of their skill level? it doesnt say shit m8

  5. Derotzka: ᴹᵉᵉᴹ - §GOLD said:

    I’d like to try for the Demo position.
    I’m available all week usually except I cant get online any earlier than 19:30GMT on a Wednesday
    I have lobbied and scrimmed before

    If you are willing to try me out, add me

  6. Deadrika said:

    i would like to join the team i have over 500 hours of TF2 and i play Soldier (roamer mainly) but i can also play as a Pocket ;D

  7. Deadrika said:

    i would like to join the team i have over 500 hours of TF2 and i play Soldier (roamer mainly) but i can also play as a Pocket ;D
    add me plz

  8. Charri said:

    Cant seem to add you as a friend, can u add me? :D

  9. DodusNet said:

    Hi, I’m from Denmark, it would be nice if i could be on a try out for your team. I’ve played many hours tf2, but still i see that i have a lot to learn. I play medic for the most part, but can also play scout and I like the way you organise a team :)

  10. LJ said:

    Hi. i’m from scotland, I would like to try out for solly, I like playing roamer but definitely keen for trying out pocket and switching it up. Just give me a shout if you are interested as I am!

  11. Dange said:

    Hey, I’m Neo. I’m 18 years old guy from Finland. I’d like to try out scout. I have competitive experience from four season of highlander as a sniper. And now I’d like to change to 6s. I can speak english fluently except I’m just a little rusty atm, since I haven’t spoken english that much. I’m a team player and understand basic tactics very well, I’ve also got pretty good game sense…Just need to practice some more. If you are interested, just add me.

  12. yak said:

    Temio’s a nice guy + knows his stuff

  13. yak said:

    Temio’s a nice guy + knows his stuff.
    Probably div 5 capable with the right pickups

  14. Duckstep: 2hard said:

    Howdy! I would like to get the scout spot.
    More info on my rec post:

  15. Pipe: TTM said:

    I can be Scout add me if u wanna talk!:)

  16. epiccrumbs1 said:

    Hey, I would be interested in trialling as pocket for your team. I am from England and I can and do play every night except wednesday. Would that be a big problem? I play lots of MGE and DM as well as scrims with friends. I will add you to talk a little bit more and hopefully have a trial.

  17. baimezan: [N☼J] said:

    I added you for a spot, but you blocked me or something ( ? ).
    Please unblock

  18. NuTRiCuLa: D925 said:

    added for talk

  19. NuTRiCuLa: D925 said:

    nice ignore …

  20. birdy: (ETF2L Donator) - GoodE said:

    hey i play medic and would be interested in trying out i’m free most nights so availability wouldn’t be a problem for me, add me on steam if you want to talk

  21. yoghurt: [HM] said:

    Added you for a scout spot. Former div 6 scout, 2 seasons of sniping. Could easily do div 4 or 5. add me for a talk

  22. Just1s: AVN said:

    Added to talk about pocket spot.

  23. LeprosyPatient said:

    Hey I am a div 5/6 scout and I’m looking for a 6v6 team and a friend adviced this team, and I am free at night most of the time so if you want to contact me this is my steam profile:

  24. LeprosyPatient said:

    here is my steam profile : http://steamcommunity.com/id/killersmoesje

  25. Kebabvendor said:

    Heya, I’m mostly interested in the scout spot. I’ve played a lot of highlander(officials and scrims). I’d like to try being the scout for your team or the soldier(mainly roamer). I’ve got a good mic and good english. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Vikolon Add me for a talk.

  26. Scoffer: BS1| - Kirmani said:

    hi, i would like to play solly, preferbly roamer, can pocket aswell. 2k hours tf2 and 500 soldier

  27. RIMARUS said:

    I would like to play scout if you want me to sub instead I’m fine with that, looking for my first team speak fluent English.

  28. Timmay said:

    I can eventually play scout, if you wish so. I’ve some experience (pick ups for div4/5 and some subs for a div 5 team). Thanks for your answer !

  29. iZon: LEGO - LEGO said:


  30. Ger said:

    can trail as medic if you need one :)

  31. walkingstickman said:

    I would like to cover for medic since it is my best support class and my biggest priority as a medic is to overheal any available allies and to get to those who are in severe need.

    I also excel most in CTF missions with scout but mainly interested in taking up the medic position.



  32. jx53 said:

    I tried adding you, but your fl is full.
    I am a 17 year old guy from Finland. I’m looking to fill a roamer’s spot in a 6v6 team. I should be able to play on almost anytime on weekends (except for nights), and on weeks 16:00 – 19:00 GMT +2. I can bend with the times.

  33. Bradley: NASA - -Xe- said:

    hey, im from the UK and i obviously speak fluent english, and id like to tryout for your scout position, my hours and no previous experience in teams say nothing about my skill level and you’d be able to see that from a tryout or a demo ill put together for you, thanks.

  34. RIMARUS said:

    I’d like to be the sub scout
    i can play pretty much anytime but only after 16:00 Gmt

  35. Ger said:

    If you still need a medic am up for it

  36. 321silversnake said:

    i would like to be scout sub!

  37. janaoj11 said:

    I would like to try out for the soldier and demoman possition i can play almost every night depending on my studyes my english is preety good well atleast speaking. If you want me to try out just add me here http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198064591262/

  38. 321silversnake said:

    Hey i would like to try out for scout or solider even if it is only a sub, i speak fluent English and i am from England as well. I would be able to play everyday after 4;30 gmt (due to school) if that is a problem let me know. i have over 800 hours play time 600 hours from my old account. I am willing to put in all the effort needed and learn fast if i get the chance. I have recently started getting into competitive and i have played lobby for a while now, i am aware of all the layouts and rules of 6s and would love an opportunity to play properly!
    sincerely 321silversnake/SilverFail._.

  39. fishyard: ︻芫═一☺ said:

    Temio, can you remove a friend from your steam and add me? Your friend list is full.

  40. Squishy: [DA] said:

    Hi! Your friendslist where full, so i couldn’t add you :c
    I am interessted in the scout spot if you still need one.
    Add me on steam if you can

  41. 0verflow: ff4r - bjT said:

    Im interested in soldier spot and willing to train, watch demos, learn as much as you can offer. Im very interested. Contact me, or make some room in your friendlist. Thank you.

  42. Funky_hedgehog said:

    Hey, I’m interested in the medic slot, I am new to the 6v6 side of tf2 but I am experienced in my role, yet still willing to learn ways of playing better.

  43. Shrewm: carry said:

    Hello, I’m Shrewm, I would be honoured if I can be a roamer on your team, I’m on nearly everyday expect for friday nights (8:45+) and saturday. Add me so we can discuss. =D

  44. jun0: (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - c u nt said:

    Hi, I’m a British player hoping to try out for your roamer position.
    I unfortunately dont have any experience in previous seasons tho Im hoping a trail wouldn’t hurt.
    Im not knew to competitive play at all either.
    I play around 100+ hours a week.
    A Good team player I listen and I actually communicate, Im a confidant jumper, have decent game sense good at player prediction and DM.

    Mature player who can play seriously but have a laugh at the same time, Im always looking to improve and learn new thing and strats.

    Please add me if your interested.

  45. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    I’m fairly sure they have a full roster, they just haven’t taken down this recruitment post.

  46. ArtehFX said:

    added to talk about scout spot.

  47. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    I’m very sure they have a full roster, they just haven’t taken down this recruitment post.