
EngineerPyroSpy  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Indivicivet

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Just putting out the feelers for if any teams would take me as a spy or engineer (edit: or pyro). I'm nothing amazing on either class, but I understand the very basics of how they work and would like to have a chance to practice them more with a team. I lobby sometimes, although lobbies don't mean much and don't help me improve as much as I'd like to. I have 200+ hours on spy and 100 hours on engineer (edit: and 400+hrs on pyro).

Edit: I have in the past played scout, roamer, pocket, demoman and medic at least briefly for a 6s team. I have played spy a couple of times in mixes (edit: I have played pyro a decent amount in mixes, more than engineer or spy). I've also played spy and engineer in HL mixes and PUGs at least a couple of times, but never been rostered for a team as spy or engineer.

Edit2: Ok, I've decided I wouldn't mind joining a team as pyro too. I think I'm stronger at pyro, so I've increased the skill level I'm looking for to div5/6. If you want me as spy or engineer I don't mind playing for a div6 team, but if I'm gonna play pyro I want a decent team, preferably mid/high div6 at least. if you want an engineer or spy (edit: or pyro) :)


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:49679767 Add Friend

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  1. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    I like your moxie.

  2. Cuttlefish: 6v6 said:

    Jesus, indi. Engi?

  3. Indivicivet said:

    Bump. Now happy to play pyro for a decent team.

  4. Eyse said:

    Great Pyro, if you have 2 solly’s and 1 scout with indi’s pyro you will basically have 4 jumpers. Friendly and funny guy.