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Medic  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Denmark m1k

Posted: | Last Online:

back on the market, I guess. Backup or main, I don't really care that much.

if div 2 let it be top div 2 pls

add me for talks

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:85433105 Add Friend

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Left Denmark [National 6v6 Team] Dr. Phil
Left Comrades [6v6] m1k
Joined Comrades [6v6] Permzilla
Left the D: [6v6 Fun Team] m1k
Joined the D: [6v6 Fun Team] Ger
Left REVERTO [6v6] huhystah
Joined REVERTO [6v6] Rising
Left Cyber Zoo [6v6] m1k
Joined Cyber Zoo [6v6] phx
Left REVERTO [6v6] m1k
Left Denmark [National Highlander Team] m1k
Joined Denmark [National Highlander Team] m1k
Left Danish Community Swingers [Highlander] m1k
Joined REVERTO [6v6] m1k
Left REVERTO [6v6] m1k
Joined REVERTO [6v6] m1k
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Left Comrades [6v6] m1k
Left 9 Fishies [Highlander] m1k
Joined 9 Fishies [Highlander] m1k
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Joined PubStompers [Highlander] m1k
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Left eureka [6v6] m1k
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Joined eureka [6v6] m1k
Left Crack Clan // Green [6v6] Mothman
Left de Monet Family [2v2] m1k
Left Wilderness Guardians [6v6 Fun Team] m1k
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Joined Wilderness Guardians [6v6 Fun Team] m1k
Left Den Lille Havfrue eSports [6v6 Fun Team] m1k
Joined de Monet Family [2v2] Thalash
Joined Crack Clan // Green [6v6] m1k
Joined Den Lille Havfrue eSports [6v6 Fun Team] Beater
Left Frømandskorpset [6v6] m1k
Joined Danish Community Swingers [Highlander] Beater
Joined Frømandskorpset [6v6] Beasty
Left Crack Clan // Green [6v6] m1k
Joined Crack Clan // Green [6v6] Mothman
Left 2dradar [6v6] m1k
Joined 2dradar [6v6] Leo
Left FOR APPLZ!! [6v6] m1k
Joined FOR APPLZ!! [6v6] m1k
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Joined Sponsored Casuals [6v6] Cloud
Left elemental violence [6v6] m1k
Joined elemental violence [6v6] WARHURYEAH

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View Div 1/Div 2 5 528
View Div 1/Div 2 31 1265


  1. Brov said:

    really classy dude

  2. 0b0y said:

    sexiest gurl alive

  3. tomzi said:

    best rly !!

  4. toogyboogy: (ETF2L Donator) - SOFT - bobs said:


  5. mnemo: UNHINGED said:

    Quite nice guy who knows his stuff (and let’s you watch videos of it). And very easy to get along with and committed to the game.

  6. Dr. Phil: TBC - LEGO said:

    div 2 for sure nice guy, but don’t make him laugh… :D

  7. CoFiX: DANMARK said:

    Yeah he is really good. Prefers playing carries like anti-mage and so. All in all – he’s a nice guy and will do well if drafted the right heroes. Think he played some HoN before dota and has at least that little bit of experince. But yeah if you are missing a good carry or jungler for your team, you should pick him up.

  8. MC: UbeR | said:

    This guy is my hero, he has taught me everything I know, from how to handle the ladies to how to equip an item in TF2. Best.

  9. jukebox: broder said:

    best bøsse dk

  10. Cloud: .wldcrd! said:

    Fun guy, comes out with some funny shit :D

    Plays the wrong game but hey, at least he tries to be part of the Men Only Bondage Association community.

    Also apparently good at shooters. I dont know man, what is this cartoon game? Where’s the bomb site?

  11. LaMqTa: fenneks said:

    Amazing fella, merced for us several times as med, he has the maincalling skills and the dodge aswell! Good luck mate! :-)

  12. Crizzl: WEED - DANMARK said:

    Infectious laugh

  13. Fake said:

    the best of the best
    also great lover 10/10 would cuddle with again

  14. mrwhizz said:

    smukt som et stjerneskud

  15. Bighomer: ƒusg said:

    very nice dude has gamesense and all the important things div2 easy

  16. m1k said:

    I can provide topless pics of Jukebox is this improves my odds in any way. Also bump.

  17. riddlern said:

    Awesome dude, loads of fun

  18. m1k said:


  19. Andreas & JibJab: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. - DANMARK said:

    cool guy, get him :)

  20. ThalashEEE!: wG - S-O said:

    ægte bøsse

  21. Kvux: /./ - LEGO said:

    Haahahhaha se ham der man

  22. TWEEKARN\: ez-sports.ru said:


  23. Kvux: /./ - LEGO said:

    also best laugh in the world probably

  24. arc: iSlam said:

    sick gaymer

  25. Ond kaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    dat laugh

  26. alba: duplo said:

    Better laugh than origo!

  27. KraKen said:


  28. tasKu: e-famous said:

    fun playing with him

  29. Markosen said:

    Nice player! :D

  30. m1k said:

    gief team

  31. LillCeder said:

    Funny guy :)

  32. Kemor said:

    Amazing taunts

  33. ThalashEEE!: wG - S-O said:

    jk fuckverto

  34. Ritalin: [d¿s] said:

    Missing top!