ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Germany raizoar

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey everyone.
My name is rai¬oar and im looking to play as an roamer in a Div 6 6v6 Team. I would prefer a german team, but i could also see myself playing in an english/european team. I have no experience in ETF2L, but played many scrims and some lobbys. My DM-Skill is decent for Div 6 and my Gamesense is Div 5/6 average. I dont have to start with Season 15, but it would be a possibility. So if you would like me to trial for you, just add me.
Hopefully see you soon. :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:94206876 Add Friend

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Left mentos. E-Sports [6v6] Heck
Joined mentos. E-Sports [6v6] Heck

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  1. Riot: {VM} said:

    Nice guy, good player 10/10 would bang

  2. OCTANE said:

    super friendly can take div 6 with eaaaaas

  3. Byrd: o_O said:

    Nice guy. If he is not ok with something, he will state his opinion – not in the match but afterwards. He played some scrims and lobbys with us, decent DM and Gamesense. He is keen to improve (practices MGE…).

    GL finding a Team, best wishes :)