ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Demoman  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European Lynch Mob

Posted by Pom0: | Last Online:

Lynch Mob is looking for a demo for next season, we won div5 last season without a loss so we'll be moving up to div4. Our last demo will be leaving due to scheduling issues.

What we're looking for:
Must play at a div 4 level, we're going to div4 and we plan to do well.
English speakers only, at the very minimum you must be able to interpret and give calls.

What we can offer you:
A TF2 and Mumble server
A sociable team, I would describe our Mumble atmosphere as banterous and we usually stay in Mumble after PCWs for some sick games of Tetris

Add Cam00 (http://steamcommunity.com/id/mad00/) or Alfie (http://steamcommunity.com/id/Alfierulz/) on Steam if you're interested.

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  1. Greg.am: free said:


  2. HoneyBadger: free said:

    So much fun to play with. All of them are really nice guys and good players.

  3. turkuaz said:


  4. frixx: LG said:

    fucking amazing guys, really nice atmosphere, good skill. Best of luck to you guys^^

  5. DavidTheWin: (ETF2L Donator) - BTWFC - [ᴛᴍᴍ] said:

    Interested if you’re still looking for a demo. Been playing in d3/4 scrims recently and holding my own and I’ve experience in main-calling

  6. DavidTheWin: (ETF2L Donator) - BTWFC - [ᴛᴍᴍ] said:

    Never mind, found a team. Good luck.

    Played against these guys last season in my old team, they good

  7. nesto!: Blah! - BnR! said:

    Cool team, gl :D

  8. kren: - 256 said:

    Would like a trial, have not played a full season in div 4 but have mixed, merc’d etc at that level. I have played in div 5 and carry most games I play, would be nice if I could learn a little and get into the div 4 area c:

  9. Kaneco said:

    I’d like to trial as demo, last season played div5, we finished mid table because some team members had issues and it spoiled the season for the rest of us, but we were going strong enought for div4. Merced for div4 teams before, and some pcw’s as well, no officials afaik tho… I can maincall as well.