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Soldier  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Chaplain

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey I'm Chaplain,

Before I start off, I'll highlight what's important to me. I am currently pretty keen at this game and I'd love a keen team, but I also want a team that I can take the piss out of and can reciprocate me somewhat. That's why I have a preferred countries list. (The statement here was tongue in cheek, I removed it due to the fact it wasn't entirely obvious)


Put bluntly, If you are a team that just nips in, plays a few pcw's then chickens out we'll be a bad fit. We either stick around and have a community feel or we stay and watch demo's and talk about the game in pristine English. I'm in the privileged position of being able to really nitpick the teams out there, so I'd love you to satisfy the following as much as possible:

– Fluent English please :)
– Roamer preferred, can pocket if REALLY necessary
– LANability is a big plus, as is a 17/18+ team.
– Skill isn't that important to me, but I really value a willingness to improve and that must be echoed throughout the entire team.
– 4 days a week with extended PCW time is perfect, but will do 5-7 if required.

If any of this interests you, add me up on steam or drop a message in this thread and I'll get back to you.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:22475927 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Ninja Sex Party [6v6] Chaplain
Left The Hard 6 [6v6] Chaplain
Joined The Hard 6 [6v6] Chaplain
Left nervousENERGY BLU [6v6] Chaplain
Joined nervousENERGY BLU [6v6] Chaplain
Left The Enigma Zone Crew 2 [6v6] SmAsH
Joined The Enigma Zone Crew 2 [6v6] Chaplain
Left the new one [6v6] MightyMe
Joined the new one [6v6] Chaplain
Left Jaguar Skills - 6 Wongs Make A White [6v6] Chaplain
Joined Team Confuzed [6v6 Fun Team] Chaplain
Joined The Grusome Twosome [2v2] Chaplain
Joined Jaguar Skills - 6 Wongs Make A White [6v6] Chaplain
Left battery fiddlers [6v6] op
Joined battery fiddlers [6v6] Chaplain
Left The Great Escape [6v6] Chaplain
Joined The Great Escape [6v6] Chaplain
Left Casus Belli [6v6] Chaplain
Joined Team div2 + chaplain on engie [Highlander] lolage
Left The Blind Lemon Lunch Bags [Highlander] Chaplain
Joined Casus Belli [6v6] Chaplain
Left to be named [6v6] Chaplain
Joined to be named [6v6] Chaplain
Left Who The Hell Are We? [6v6] Chaplain
Joined Congregation of One [1v1] Chaplain
Joined Who The Hell Are We? [6v6] Chaplain
Left Black Dragons TF2 [6v6] Chaplain
Joined Black Dragons TF2 [6v6] Chaplain
Left 9 Men Second Team [6v6] Chaplain
Joined The Blind Lemon Lunch Bags [Highlander] Chaplain
Joined 9 Men Second Team [6v6] Chaplain
Left vier // red [6v6] Chaplain
Joined vier // red [6v6] Chaplain
Left .22 [6v6] Chaplain
Joined .22 [6v6] Chaplain
Left Distorted Minds [6v6] Chaplain
Joined Distorted Minds [6v6] Chaplain
Left Last Men Left [6v6] Chaplain
Joined Last Men Left [6v6] Nigh

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View Div 2/Div 3 0 70
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View Div 2/Div 3 35 1302
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View Mid 0 173
View Mid 4 351


  1. Atkins: Velox. - TSPAG said:

    Good map selection

  2. konr said:

    Keen. When he stops talking for just a moment about random shit he’s a really good asset to any team. Funny guy too.

  3. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    gimme 300 gimme 300 gimme 300 gimme 300 gimme 300 gimme 300 gimme 300 gimme 300 gimme 300 gimme 300 gimme 300 gimme 300 gimme 300 gimme 300 gimme 300 gimme 300

    thats about it really

  4. Chaplain: the ninja - TSPAG said:

    should probably give me 300

  5. r1k: Syn said:

    Sound, decent soldier :) good pick

  6. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    higher sense is not improving his strafes, aparently

  7. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    still by far better than CUBE by prem

  8. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    Monster gamer never gonna let you down.

  9. Vladi: TIDS said:

    did the test. only a few mistakes. how can that be a challenge for a native speaker, who is not a fucking chimp…

  10. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    that test
    7/10 Spelling
    8/15 Punctuation
    8/11 Grammar
    10/12 Comprehension

    fuck i am good

  11. Frix: LG said:

    Im sorry but im offended by this. Im gonna go as far as to say that people from uk are the ones to be avoided. Cunty ego mainacs for most of them, altho there are some nice ones aswell. I hope u find a bad russian only team, puta capitalista

  12. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    so, you dont like brits but you’re offended by the fact that a brit doesn’t like you?

    okay then

  13. Trath said:

    fucking hell that test seems fucking hard just going through the first page.
    somebody open a thread and start a contest to see who can score the most!

    btw, Chaplain is ok-ish~ I guess

  14. Frix: LG said:

    no mould, what I don’t like is the way he says like whole eastern europe is 3rd world and retarded. And saying stuff like: ”I just don’t think spending time playing with people that have only recently denounced communism is a waste of my life force.” Just shows how lots of people from uk have no idea of an outside world and are just focused on what is happening in uk. I am not saying everyone from uk is like this. I have met a lot of nice people from there. But things like this is wrong and it is racist.

  15. Hovis said:

    I’m quarter polish and live on the south coast of England and I’m offended by this. How dare you make such rudimentary assumptions chaplain! Sure these here Eastern Europeans can barely remain sober or run a democracy, but there is no need to be so blunt!

    And just because we here in the south have less rain, and therefore a better civilization than you northerners there is no reason to assume we provide less banter on the “mumble”.

    What a right old kerfuffle you’ve caused. Sort yourself out boy!

  16. T0m.: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    I’m 7/56 russian and i dont care.

  17. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    Ruling out anyone from the Baltic nations makes you not just a bigoted cunt but an idiot.

  18. lolage: TSPAG said:


    “Just shows how lots of people from uk have no idea of an outside world and are just focused on what is happening in uk.”

    Chaplain = lots of people?

  19. Agent 0: ? - fgt said:

    What about Italy Spain and Portugal?

  20. Godof said:

    As offensive as it sounds,this map is sort of true..Statistically, scandi/german/uk people are better at English and therefore improve faster at the game.
    Regardless of what I’ve just said, he’s still a cunt for even making this map.

  21. Spike Himself: TC said:

    That’s quite something, Chaplain. Quite ironic really, after your comment about how you would like not to see admins being in the position they are in for stupidity they are showing in the public (you do remember, right?). I suppose “news writer” doesn’t bear much responsibility, but it’s still a position in the staff. Heh.

  22. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    Nobody likes Latvia, cuz they think we are russians :(

  23. Chaplain: the ninja - TSPAG said:

    Yes the comment is rather blase, but I don’t think its too much to prefer people from your own and affiliated countries. I have met plenty of nice latvians and russians, been in teams with people in baltic nations and have no complaints, however this time round I’d like to save time and specify what I’m looking for in advance. I apologise for any offence this may have caused but there is no Ill will behind it.

  24. Chaplain: the ninja - TSPAG said:

    If anyone else has a problem or would like to talk with me about my opinions or views, I’d urge you to contact me discreetly through IRC or steam. I’d love to talk to you about any concerns you may have

  25. Chaplain: the ninja - TSPAG said:

    Oh and btw, in specific reference to Frix, Taro, fraac, the “I just don’t think spending time playing with people that have only recently denounced communism is a waste of my life force” statement is quite obviously tongue in cheek, and I’m sorry that you took it the wrong way. I’m not sorry for having a preference in nationality in the teams I join. I have nothing against anyone on national-personal level but I don’t think it’s unacceptable to be forthright with my team bias.

    I repeat, I am not racist I just have a team preference and I apologise if that didn’t come across adequately in what was a very blasé post

  26. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Massive racist, bigot, fascist and evil guy. He buggers babies for a living ffs, I mean, you can’t get any lower.

    To everyone above: Please stop over react.

    Chaplain is credit to team.

    Good luck man.

  27. Frix: LG said:

    easy for u to say monkeh since ur from uk. But ok cba to go with this any further. I guess you didn’t mean bad by posting the map, its still a bit rude tho. gl chaplain

  28. Godof said:

    I accept the fact that you prefer few nations above others not in a racist way,and I don’t think it is wrong either,because we play this game in order to have fun ofc.

    But what’s wrong with it is that it gives the legitimacy to many others to write that down in their rec post as well,as they take an example from you. Then it will actually make some kind of a discrimination and generalization against the east-european players.

  29. Chaplain: the ninja - TSPAG said:

    I added you Frix and Fraac to talk about it.

  30. r?an: -9w- said:

    why are people getting upset? he’s totally right

    i mean i play in a team with some russian guy and no one understands what the hell he says half the time

  31. Heny: chumtoad. said:

    Fixed the map for you.

  32. riddlern said:

    You cant avoid having fun with this guy in your team.

  33. Ante: CiC said:

    It’s all bout dem harvey bois! :D GL mate

  34. Chaplain: the ninja - TSPAG said:

    .Ritalin | logs.tf: i hear BNP eSports are looking for a roamer

  35. nTraum: \V/ Gold - LAME said:


  36. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    HA HA, the funny thing is, the BNP have a huge e-sports department, integration through fragmentation…or something.

  37. konr said:


  38. SmAsH: [DA] - [DA] said:

    Pretty funny guy tbh, and hes a pretty good player who can really help teams progress due to his medicing knowledge in the higher divs! With the right sort of ppl youll have great fun, just dnt let him get too over confident trying to main call on roamer! He knows its not the best idea but he loves to try and do it ha. best intentions at heart but better suited to a team with a strong main caller.

    But the main thing is! “ipz approves” init chappers!

  39. Chaplain: the ninja - TSPAG said:


  40. Sideshow: (ETF2L Donator) - ft. - WiK? said:


  41. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    So what are you looking for exactly?

    People from England, or people who can speak/write English properly?

    Those 2 categories have proven to bear little to no relation to each other, and at times appear to be almost mutually exclusive.

    tldr; the English suck at English :DDDD