ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European GoldFish Feeders

Posted by Hexaan: | Last Online:

We are looking for a soldier with decent game sense and good dm skills. Hope we hear from you!

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  1. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    Cool guys.

  2. accless: cp_ said:

    This team already has 6s experience and is NOT just starting out. They got above average dm, an idea what they’re doing and are a nice bunch as the cherry on top!

  3. zoer36: Strejk - iH said:

    hey! I’m looking for a team for next season. My main is scout wich I’m prolly div 5 on. although I can also roam on a div 6 level. My dm’s pretty good aswell as my game sense. maybe you wanna trial me? Again, I play roamer, can also play scout aswell as some good offclassing as spy and pyro. Interested?

  4. Norigo: Dc - Va\'Se said:

    hello , just wanted to say that I’m interested in playing with your team.
    I’m looking for a team to have fun and win, but also evolve as a player. Just message me or something so you can test me or something like that.

  5. dizerRR said:

    i want to trail

  6. EDAS Honey Badger said:

    around 500 hours on solly-dive 6 standard, done quite a few scrims but only one official game. Moderate dm, mge every day though. Add me if you want to trial me

  7. Sonny: m0. said:

    Roaming soldier div5+ exp. Good gamesense and deathmatch, around 600hrs soldier. Played in many mixes, lobbies and recently pickups. Add me for trial.