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Spy  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Switzerland Jack (2nd acc)

Posted: | Last Online:

I got tits, looking for a team as possibly main spy, I may have some history but I've changed.. No more shit from me.. If you're interested in picking me up into your team, feel free to add me

Thanks Jack

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:84488568 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Gorgers [6v6] DevilHunter!
Joined Gorgers [6v6] Jack (2nd acc)
Left CWCLAN-Community [Highlander] Jack (2nd acc)
Joined CWCLAN-Community [Highlander] Jack (2nd acc)
Left One Round Wonders [Highlander] Jack (2nd acc)
Joined One Round Wonders [Highlander] Jack (2nd acc)
Left Fucking Awesome Generous Scums [Highlander] Lantak
Left Fucking Awesome Generous Scums [6v6] Lantak
Joined Fucking Awesome Generous Scums [6v6] Jack (2nd acc)
Joined Fucking Awesome Generous Scums [Highlander] Jack (2nd acc)
Left Fucking Awesome Generous Scums [Highlander] Jack (2nd acc)
Joined Fucking Awesome Generous Scums [Highlander] Jack (2nd acc)

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 3/Div 4 0 166
View Div 2/Div 3 0 259


  1. Lantak said:

    Why not prem ?

  2. Hurri: ç§ said:

    You do know that the smaller the number the higher the div right?

  3. Neoxyde said:

    noob spy, avoid him pls

  4. Flood said:

    lack of tits, also div 1/2 skill. lie.