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MedicSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom kugs

Posted: | Last Online:

I've been playing for about 3 years, about 2 of those in comp. Haven't really played too much over the last year and only now starting to get back into it.

I've played in div 5 teams in the past and mixed vs div 3/4 teams and held my own. Was a while ago though, so would be better suited to a div 5 team.

My main is roaming soldier. I don't enjoy nor am I confident at playing pocket. I've only played medic in mixes, but I'm pretty confident playing it. I probably wouldn't be interested in main calling.

My gamesense is pretty good. DMs not amazing, but not horrible. Can play pretty much anytime. Would prefer to play for a more established team as I'm sick of having to find/start a new team every season due to folds.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:49349092 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left The Double Polaroids [6v6] kugs
Left 50 Shades of Nipps [Highlander] kugs
Joined 50 Shades of Nipps [Highlander] kugs
Left Wolves of Anatolia [Highlander] Hagi
Joined Wolves of Anatolia [Highlander] kugs
Left Fancy a lot of bumming? [Highlander] kugs
Joined The Double Polaroids [6v6] kugs
Left Fancy A Bum? [6v6] kugs
Joined Fancy a lot of bumming? [Highlander] Crazyman
Left wat? [Highlander] kugs
Joined Fancy A Little Bit Of Bumming? [2v2] kugs
Joined Fancy A Bum? [6v6] kugs
Left d-d-Did I Stutter? [6v6] kugs
Joined d-d-Did I Stutter? [6v6] Funkadelic
Left Confuse-a-Cat Ltd. [6v6] kugs
Joined Confuse-a-Cat Ltd. [6v6] Orv
Joined wat? [Highlander] kugs

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4/Div 5 1 361
View Div 5 6 776
View Div 4 0 363


  1. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Kugs is a nice guy, very calm and from what I remember dedicated plus extremely loyal.

    His skill level will sort itself out after a couple of games.

  2. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    – Keen
    – Calm enough to narrate a documentary about trigonometrical points
    – Too nice for Belgians
    – Takes time to learn the maps for jumps/hiding spots
    – Should do really well with Gunboats and be credit roamer.

  3. erba_knoff: _ said:

    Good soldier and a very reliable player. He’s a mature and nice person aswell.

  4. sad-panda said:

    i have played with kugs for many years and have always tried to make him a part of teams i have played for.

    He has very good roll outs and rocket jumps. And i think hes being a bit modest with his dm skills.

    As others have said hes really calm on comms almost soothing and i dont think i have ever heard him rage.

    Sign him up !

    Oh hes a bad football manager though :P

  5. amppis: DTR said:

    Good solly from what i’ve seen. :>

  6. Silan: (Actual Size) said:

    Are you still looking for a team? I’ve added you on friends since we are looking for a medic, but you didnt seem to accept :).

  7. Coffin Stuffer said:

    Quality solly, great jumps, great dm and great in the sack.