ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European Trolling Bunnies INDIGO

Posted by Hazor: | Last Online:

Looking for a Pocket Soldier who can main call very well (Yes, main calling is must)

So this is newly formed Trolling Bunnies INDIGO team. We are div 6 team and currently looking for some good players. Sadly not going to play Season 14 since we don't have much time but we'll be playing UGC season 11 which starts Jan 23rd untillthen we'll be playing alot of scrims for practice and to build up our base.


Must have mic
Age 15+
Must have at least 150-200 hours with what ever class they join as
Should have good communication and good calls
Must speak English
Have some some good attitude

We will first try you out in a scrim to see how you do.

Here’s my steam profile, add me up: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Haz0rrr/

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  1. Hank: FAINT said:

    lol i joined div4 team as scout long time ago with only 60h on the class, hours dosent mean that much. When people join div6 teams they are kind of new to the game anyways, just trial many people as possible and pick the one that fits most to the team.



  2. ShapeShifter said:

    The leader is a good friend of mine. As far as i know , he’s strong enough to maintain a high div 6 team. If there’s any good div 6 player that’s looking for a team , he should join them. Oh , and hank is right.

  3. Hazor said:

    Still looking for a suitable Medic.

  4. aluecs said:

    added, want to trial as a soldier!

  5. Hazor said:
