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ScoutSniper  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Poland Keeway

Posted: | Last Online:

After I left my team for a reason I decided to find new one :)

Here are some information about me:
– 18yo
– Good english (It's not fluent and sometimes I omit some words)
– Clear comms
– 2 div skill (based on people suggestions)
– Active most days 19-23CET except thursday
– Open to criticism

I expect from you:
– Stable div 2/3 team
– active 4/5 days a week
– no rage
– willing to progress
– good atmosphere

+ I can provide pov demos from d2/3 matches.

Feel free to add me on steam.
Thanks ;)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:59716226 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Surprise [1v1] Keeway
Joined Third World Country [6v6] Keeway
Left Third World Country [6v6] The Panic
Joined Third World Country [6v6] Keeway
Left Third World Country [6v6] Keeway
Joined Third World Country [6v6] Keeway
Left Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] Keeway
Joined Karmazynowe Bractwo [6v6] Keeway
Left Lethal-Zone: Gamble [6v6] Keeway
Left Reconnect Power Highlander [Highlander] Keeway
Joined Lethal-Zone: Gamble [6v6] Entman
Left Lethal-Zone: Gamble [6v6] Keeway
Joined Lethal-Zone: Gamble [6v6] Guardian
Left Grow uP Gaming [6v6] Keeway
Left ,,, [6v6 Fun Team] Keeway
Joined ,,, [6v6 Fun Team] alien`
Joined Grow uP Gaming [6v6] Keeway
Left Lethal-Zone: Gamble [6v6] Keeway
Joined Reconnect Power Highlander [Highlander] Guardian
Joined Lethal-Zone: Gamble [6v6] Guardian
Left Lethal-Zone: Gamble [6v6] Guardian
Left OGIEŃ JP [2v2] Keeway
Joined Lethal-Zone: Gamble [6v6] Qbixer
Left Ciastko Tim [Highlander] Keeway
Left ATC Gaming [6v6] Keeway
Joined OGIEŃ JP [2v2] alien`
Joined ATC Gaming [6v6] Keeway
Joined Ciastko Tim [Highlander] Keeway
Left Yellow [6v6] Keeway
Joined Yellow [6v6] Keeway

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 3/Div 4 19 819
View Div 5 7 410
View Div 5/Div 6 30 706


  1. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    2strong player

  2. The Panic said:

    really good scout imo.
    I think he can handle div2 4 sure.
    Good aim,calls and gamesense.
    with him you will have a lot of fun(optimistic guy)
    Just trial him.
    Gl my friend.

  3. cl3ver said:

    great scout and a fuckin ambitious person, without a doubt div2 player.

  4. lamei: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    The one that kept us on decent level. Always ready to play and always ready to improve. Someone who deserves to play in higher divisions. Smart beast. Good luck mate!

  5. AeZ!: TP said:

    other than having overgrown ego he is an excellent material for div2 :)

  6. Snake: RP said:

    I have played with him for large amount of time and I can say he has always been ready to improve. Hours spent on dm affect his current skill. He is really good scout that uses brain, doesn’t rage for no reason, cool guy with personal point of view. Good english, clear and decent calls. GL man!

  7. cho said:

    first person i met in the league, much love
    great scout div2 ez

  8. alien`: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    sick dm gl

  9. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    not div2 from what ive seen. Dm is strong though.

  10. Szymciu: M` said:

    I used to play with this guy for a long time. He is very good scout with strong dm and gamesense, definitely div 2 scout or better, take him fast. Good luck bro!

  11. deli said:

    pretty decent DM skill; nice gamesense but sometimes he prefers going solo, than playing with the team, but this is the thing which can be improved in short time

  12. Keeway: TWC said:

    @Aez Could you remind me when was the last time we played together? About 300 days ago? Maybe a litte bit less. I accept that you are saying something about my ego, but everyone from polish community and even some of the european players know that you are just a little fagot. Better go and play some Dota 2 or make some more div 5 clans which are supposed to get to div4.

    @Rdios Now you have to ask yourself if you are offensive towards me because I was flaming some of your jewish friends or is it something else? I don’t really think you can rate me after playing 2 maps vs me. I still remember how I was playing with your team and I had a bad day it happens to everyone right? Anyway thanks for the bump.

    @deli Ye thats true I love going solo because I believe in my skills sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. I think its scout work to take a risk if there is nothing to lose. I expect much more experienced caller whos gonna „grab my face” and whos gonna do a real main call.

  13. Kazachu: GD said:


  14. xiuxiu: [{ORAL}] said:

    ROFL. So Aez mentions your ego, in return you rage and insult him in an absolutely childish manner?
    This alone seems like a conclusive proof of your fucked up ego. That, and your obsessive answering to every single post here. The smallest dogs bark the loudest eh?

  15. MARIANO ™ said:

    “Keeway – I accept that you are saying something about my ego, but everyone from polish community and even some of the european players know that you are just a little fagot”


  16. Keeway: TWC said:

    @xiuxiu You seems to be mad, thats sad. Childish manner? What? At this point I have to ask you a question: Are you here couse Aez ask for that? You don’t have to answer I know of course you are. Its my rec post so I can comment everything here right? Im looking for constructive critism wich is provided by something real, no Aez shit talk. Anyway the fact that I responded to his post so negative its a result of that what he present. MAYBY its my mistake that I want to react on every only a bit offensive post on me.

  17. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    /thread pls

  18. xiuxiu: [{ORAL}] said:

    lol. nah, I just happened to browse etf2l today, didnt talk with aez in ages.

    And uhm, I seem to be mad? Do you say that every time you are being confronted with your own stupidity?
    Considering your level of comprehension and intelligence, I doubt that you are even capable of understanding what I’m writing. That being said, I’ll wish you a happy ending to your tf2 carreer, I’m sure people will rate your output here very highly! (just kidding, you will be shit forever like every other polish noob here in this thread xD)

  19. F5 said:

    write what he pleases, then you will not be criticized

  20. Keeway: TWC said:

    I bet you don’t have time for browsing etf2l because you’re busy with stealing cars in Germany. “not talking with aez in ages” is another lie. You are prejudiced against me because of three things – the first being that I’m Polish, the second – for being better than you and finally, for attacking aez – your best Polish mate. My own stupidity? Even though I’m much smarter than you? You seem to be an internet warrior. Now take my axe and go to 4chan. The guy called Tom I remember talking to some time ago was almost like a completely different person. You can’t deny the fact that you are a backup since ‘99 and that you are just a simple-minded troll. For you, I will always be a “polish shit”, but on second thought, why should I even care about your worthless opinion? Go be a “polnishen banditen” somewhere else. To be honest it’s hard to even comment on your post because it makes no sense at all. It’s just a pointless flame. I hope one day you will get caught by the NPD.

    @F16 You are right I was so offensive to Deli and Rdios :)

  21. Panromir: |LZ| said:

    Guys, please stay on topic (this is a recruitment post) and criticize in a constructive manner. Don’t let this become a flamefest.

  22. xiuxiu: [{ORAL}] said:

    haha, epic comment, now you are just mocking yourself here :D

    And for the record, a few months ago you added me out of nowhere, licked my asshole and asked for scout tips. I was nice to you because you were behaving like an 8yo fanboy.

    Anyway, your last comment makes it obvious how desperate you are about your tf2 carreer. It’s scary how much you care about everything I say :o

  23. Coleman: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Played against him this evening. Didn’t frag for two rounds then blamed our server, and raged quitted. Div 4 at best. Needs more time to develop before he is Div 3/2. GL

  24. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    div speedfreak

  25. Keeway: TWC said:

    I think none of the players who are accustomed to ping ~40will suddenly stop shooting well at 90 ping esecially because I was testing my interps. Im waiting until you accept an invitation to your friend list. Tomorrow we will play on good server if your “active” clan can :)

  26. Hank: FAINT said:

    said my team to shit in a pcw today, thats just bad sportsmanship