ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, Highlander

European Viscous and Delicious

Posted by .: | Last Online:

hello all you privates!

As you might know we are Gentlemen wankers club, and we need people to our team.

we already have a full HL team ( 9 players) but we need more, some leagues it's allowed to have a group of 18 people so that's what we aim for. We want a team with 18 players so we can play either 2 group in leagues or just 1 group with 18 people where the best players will play the specific map.
If you in any way are a tiny bit interested in joining our awesome team add Le Blarh Or guybrush from our team.

Le Blarh http://steamcommunity.com/id/Leblarh

Guybrush http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197981066391

we are now what i call an experienced group since we have player in both UGC and ETF2L season 3.

we have server and muble, and everything a teams need.

what we need:

we need experienced players with above averege hours of TF2 ~300 hours.
Social/active players which we can contact every day.

Team Profile

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View Div 5 6 412
View Div 4/Div 5 3 399
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View Div 5/Div 6 7 391


  1. frost4man said:

    Hi! im a decent Demoman who thinks that its funny that nowon have comment here so might be the first one:D.But what i had to say is im an still training Demoman who never been in a clan(but i am in almost 20 groups :/).I relly wanna join ur group i think i would be the right one to pick(maybe).

  2. frost4man said:

    And i forgot i played about 359Hours of TF2

  3. Up_Load said:

    Hi! I’m intressed, i think i am a godd scout

  4. Up_Load said:


  5. Up_Load said:

    correction- good*

  6. Mytag said:

    Hello, I am mature 17 years old player who lives in Lithuania (have lived in UK so my English accent is pretty decent and you can understand my with no huge difficulties). I have a good microphone. I have been in Div6 team before and played some matches but the team got disbanded. I am online almost everyday and can play. I have played 600 hours of TF2 and my main class is SPY (200h). But I could try to join and play as HEAVY. I have played every single HL map and I have a decent gamesense. So if you’re interested in my application, just add me on Steam and I will answer all your questions with please and we’ll be able to discuss my place in the team. Cheers.

  7. zoer36: Strejk - iH said:

    Hi! I’m 15 from sweden, play scout as my main. Mostly play 6v6 but as I’m without a team at the moment im getting more interested in a HL team. I’ll add le blarth and hope to hear from you!


  8. [T3KA] Storm said:

    Hi! i’m English, and here’s a little about me: I played some 6v6.. but that has no relevence to highlander, apart from gamesence which I can say I have gathered enough of. Seaming as I play a lot of heavy I want to try and find a div 5/6 highlander team to see what it feels like, and who know maybe get into it. I have played some highlander lobby so I know what i’m doing…. to an extent. I’m mature but try not to lack a sence of humor, at aproporiate times that is.
    p.s i’m a gud hoovy an i haz mah gibus to prov it!

  9. M0ffl3s said:

    Hi! I wanna apllie for engi in your team i played highlander in a team before. I’m from germany but my english is decent. I played almost 1000 hours tf2 over both accounts (200 engi) Hope that i can join your team :)

  10. Kazmakishan said:

    Hey, i’m a decent sniper from Romania, and i am interested in joining this team.I’ve never played in such competitions before, just some friendly clan games.I have like 450h in TF2.Oh, and I also play a lot of lobbies. I was playing pretty good with sniper last summer,now i just have to train a bit.

  11. Neoxyde said:

    I’m in this team, so you must enter in it.

    Ps: Betasmile, rub my tummt pls

  12. astradamus: <*L4G*> said:

    I can be your medics. Good day, sir.