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EngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

France Sala'

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi !
I'm a French guy who wants to start in TF2 competition.
Obviously I have never made competition on TF2.
I have 272 hours on TF2 but I think I have some gamesense as all the classes I put, maybe a little bit less as Engi.

So I look for any team which wants a player for Div.6.

I can speak French, English (quite fluently I think but it's not my first language so …) and also Spanish (better than English :p )

Thanks for the attention you gave to this post, add me please to discuss about me, my skill and all the things that you want to tell me.

Have a nice day, bye !

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