ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanScoutSoldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

European Lego

Posted by DeusVox: | Last Online:

Classes we are looking for:

– 1x Pocket Solly
– 1x Roaming Solly
– 1x Demo
– 1x Scout

Skill level must be at DIV 2.

We are looking for strong DM and smart gamesense. You must be keen and ready to challenge yourself. Must remember that we are in it for the long run and short turnarounds are rarely possible.

We expect commitment.
No rage (Be able to express your issues correctly and in a gentlemanly fashion)
We have not set a scheduale but around 20:30 CET will be our practice.

Add DeusVox or Mikki for more info or trial!!!

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  1. TheShadoW: trolltech - [MC] said:

    even mona lisa’s laughing

  2. xTimeE: Doj. said:

    Like your joke shadow but
    idk about deus but mikki very nice guy Funny as hell
    give them a chance

  3. rts: PrettyGay said:

    you cant be serious

  4. T0m.: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Fucking lold at this.

  5. Trane said:

    Join forces with Ghostface.

  6. TheShadoW: trolltech - [MC] said:

    ^ ahaha this is epic win

  7. Croce said:

    gogogo guys gl!

  8. JOHNNYJACKAL: .:ne:. - tfortress.no said:

    Join team
    Form new team
    Make recruitment post
    Jump two divs in skill and hope no one notice

    ETF2L logic

  9. weinzey: ---=(° ᴥ °)=))) - TC.Crash said:

    incredibly dedicated and learns very quickly. give him a chance:)

  10. Mikki said:

    Jump two divs in skill , can you tell me who > ? Maybe me ? i see only some shits writing here , i will carry this team so fk you all : ) DIV 2 IS TOO EASY

  11. alien`: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    LOL How the fuck u are div2 deus XD
    mikkis nice and skiĺed guy. Dont think this team will work at all but good luck

  12. DeusVox said:

    Lol.. finding this funny everyone here doubting has never either seen me play or seen me play in div 2 its quite sad really :D

  13. Trane said:

    I think the point is that neither of you have ANY div 2 experience, yet you demand: “Skill level must be at DIV 2.”

    I have no doubt you guys could have the potential to go div2 if you get another 4 people with similar ability and desire, but this rec post does come across as optmistic to the point of arrogance.

    NB – I mean div 2 experience as in actually playing in division 2, not some meaningless mixes.

  14. Caeli: #T4F said:

    #Trane: Dunno about DeuxVox, but in Perilous we were playing pcw against div2 teams for some months, so I think Mikki does have the experience, and is even better that SO much scouts that are currently playing d2.

    Good Luck :)

  15. Trane said:

    You’ve completely missed my point again, zero ACTUAL DIVISION TWO EXPERIENCE. Christ.

    Judging by ACTUAL RESULTS Perilous was a mid div3 team, which folded.

  16. Caeli: #T4F said:

    I would have liked you to have KnG in your division :)

  17. Link!: .:ne:. said:

    dude we had IDM in our div

  18. DeusVox said:

    Hey thanks for all the feedback we understand the concerns the main point is your condemning us to failure before proof of it. We all understand what you are trying to say and we would like to formally say that we are still going ahead with this. If it works it works. If it doesn’t its also just a game so over ambitious or not we will carry on until we proclaim it unsuccessfull. Thanks all!

  19. Mikki said:

    Trane 1 seson in div 3 and he is soo experience. I like you bro remeber how i beat you when you play with panda : ) GL :) You think like a lot of Polish players that somone who play 1 yers should be all the time in div 6 cuz more experience players should be in div 3 , 2 , 1 . Can i ask you Trane :who are you ?

  20. The Panic said:

    I dont know who is Deus but If Mikki want make team with him – He must be good.
    In my opinion Mikki have a lot of experience and Division 2 is for him easly
    GL FIKKI And Deus! D2 4 SURE!

  21. exeL: Doj. said:

    idk about the other dude but mikki as funny as fuck, a great guy (a bit russian but we forgive him) and player and can defintely play in div2…. gl guys!

  22. Trane said:

    I registered 1396 days ago, despite only having a single season in div3, experience is not something I lack. So you remember beating my old div4 team when you were in div3? Massive congratulations there.

    I’m not the one skill-faking here, I know my own ability quite well. Division 3 this season has frankly been a joke, thrown together teams who think themselves better than they are, have folded after losing a game or two. I’d rather see new teams be a bit more realistic thus strengthening the TF2 scene rather than ruining it, that’s my underlying point here.

    So you remember my team and who I am and then go on to ask: who am I? Smart guy.

  23. Mikki said:

    1396 days and all the time div 3 ? sorry now you are div 3 : ( sad , you are not smart play sooo long and all the time bad ; ( sad sorry

  24. Paria: Rob1 said:

    Stupid arguments, stupid arguments everywhere.