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Medic  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

SouthKorea rip ghostface

Posted by TWEEKARN: | Last Online:

when a boy and another boy have late night conversations, magic comes

22:50 – the0z lft: are u serious?
22:50 – Playing with monitor off: no fuck you
22:51 – the0z lft: lets make a team

we're tired of looking for a team, so we decided to make one ourselves
i have the ca$hmoney, but i guess ghostface will come up with mumble and server
we're still looking for other classes, but i think we have the most (wally!! hopefully)
we'll discuss our practice schedule when we have everything sorted
but basically, we need a doctor

pls be our doctor

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  1. maidos: 000 said:

    im div 4 demo pick me … i can play lobby good

  2. Gubbins said:

    >late night
    Fucking kid.

  3. Shotgun said:

    Night doesn’t start until 4 am.

  4. the0z\: ez-sports.ru said:

    first world problems i guess?

  5. Trane said:

    Will likely fold before getting 6 players.

  6. Ghostface: spire said:

    Tranny pls

  7. rts: PrettyGay said:

    what Trane said

  8. alien`: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    what Trane said

  9. Ghostface: spire said:

    Everyone pls

  10. Pynklùùùnningen: CotC said:

    ghostface a shit :(
    what Trane said