ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanHeavy  Div 5 Skill, Highlander

European Toxic Termination

Posted by ewh: | Last Online:

What we have: Match Server, Mumble Server.
What we need: Main Heavy + Main Demo; Sub Soldier, Subs for everything actually
What we are: Reliable, mature + willing to play HL Season 3
What we want from you: Reliable, Mic enabled, kind + mature

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  1. Recoil said:

    Hey, I would like to join as a sub soldier if possible.

  2. ykcud: |LP| said:

    Hey! I would like to main heavy if possible :D

  3. Blunk said:

    Alright, add me if interested.

  4. chaosido19 said:

    I med this team bitches, so get lost<3

  5. zEaK47 said:

    I’m applying for spy
    i main spy with 185 hours