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Scout  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Finland Tommy Testosterone

Posted: | Last Online:

Alright, 5 months later and back innit to winnit again like a billion other people that are looking for a team right now. I'm looking to advance my dream of being a professional videogamesman of the Team Fortress 2 variety.

I'm 19/m/Fin. Can play pretty much any day of the week from 19 or 20CET to whatevs. I've played Scout for about a year + some months in total.

I'm looking for a team that can keep me warm during these awful cold finnish nights and all the basic shit one would want from a team. I guess I'd be alright with starting a team but for that it'd be a huge plus if it was with someone I know at least on some level.

Hit me up on Steam for a chat.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:44233237 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined d-d-Did I Stutter? [6v6] Linus
Left Fakku Brigade [6v6] Tommy Testosterone
Joined Fakku Brigade [6v6] Deadpool
Left d-d-Did I Stutter? [6v6] Tommy Testosterone
Joined d-d-Did I Stutter? [6v6] Fenrir
Left Disneyland National Team [6v6 Fun Team] Tommy Testosterone
Left 21 Gravelpit Rounds [6v6] Tommy Testosterone
Left Licksisters [Highlander] Tommy Testosterone
Joined 21 Gravelpit Rounds [6v6] Swifty
Left DAKKAgaming.com [6v6] Tommy Testosterone
Joined DAKKAgaming.com [6v6] Dr Icecream
Joined Licksisters [Highlander] IsuckNewton
Left Easy Going [Highlander] Tommy Testosterone
Joined Disneyland National Team [6v6 Fun Team] IsuckNewton
Joined Easy Going [Highlander] IsuckNewton
Left Colin McRae Pro Amateur Hour [6v6] Tommy Testosterone
Left Snorlander McRænerupmon [Highlander] Tommy Testosterone
Joined Snorlander McRænerupmon [Highlander] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined Colin McRae Pro Amateur Hour [6v6] aaaaa
Left Colin McRae Pro Amateur Hour [6v6] aaaaa
Joined Colin McRae Pro Amateur Hour [6v6] aaaaa
Left Easy Going [Highlander] Tommy Testosterone
Left The Project [6v6] Tommy Testosterone
Joined The Project [6v6] Linus
Joined Easy Going [Highlander] Lakister

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  1. Califax: dyn. said:

    Welcome back Tommy! GL

  2. Tommy Testosterone: [d¿s] said:


  3. Tommy Testosterone: [d¿s] said:

    bring this baby up

  4. Tommy Testosterone: [d¿s] said:

    gimme gimme gimme a man of the mid fight

  5. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    He was good last time I played against him. Good luck ;)

  6. Sideshow: (ETF2L Donator) - ft. - WiK? said:

    sick guy, BEAAAST

  7. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:

    hes a good gamer, highly unlucky with teams though

  8. Tommy Testosterone: [d¿s] said:

    l8 night bumb

  9. cribbe: TC said:

    been a while since I played with him, smart scout with the aim to match it. good luck Tommy :]