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ScoutSniperSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Sweden Unkk

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello, i am a 25 year old swedish player who is rather new to the game but not new to FPS in general. I am hence looking for a nice team to play with but i will need some tutoring i guess since i have only played public games so far and watched a few live nationscup games. My sellingpoint would be that i have played FPS games competively for like 12 – 13 years(UT99, UT2k4) and did fairly ok playing in a few Eurocups and nationscups on clanbase.com back in these days. So i would think i have a pretty good aim and overall gamesense but my knowledge of the game TF2 or it's community is quite low. I do have a decent idea of what each class is supposed to do in a 6v6 however.

Other then this i do have a family and social life that i need to attend to aswell.

Would very much prefer to play scout as i love the fast paced gameplay while the aiming and movement style fitts me very nicely. I am however a decent soldier aswell.

I am:
– "Experienced" fps player
– Willing and looking to learn
– Out to have fun!
– Communicative and verbal on voice
– A nice guy
– Available for play most days between 19 CET and 01 CET
– Understand and speak English, Swedish and Norwegian fluently – struggle a bit with danish but could probably learn that good enough:P

You are:
– A nice mature bunch of players
– Like to compete and have fun! Emphasis on fun.
– Willing to teach a noob like me the basics
– An active bunch of players

Just looking for a nice place to start out:)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:48681883 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Underscore [6v6] Unkk
Left BIG Team [6v6] Unkk
Joined BIG Team [6v6] Unkk

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  1. Unkk: _ said:


  2. Unkk: _ said:

    shameless bump

  3. Herr_Pyromatic: .:[aAa]:. said:

    Alltid trevligt att se nya svenskar. Lycka till!

  4. Unkk: _ said:

    bump yet again! Done a few mixes and what not now and i seem to do fairly well vs other s5/6 teams. I die a little more then neccessary i guess but i chalk that down to experience.

  5. Cerber_: <uND> said:

    Friendly bump/Decent soldier, played vs him in a mix.

  6. beetle: (Actual Size) said:

    Played mixes with this guy. Good scout, and also very friendly and nice to play with!! :D

  7. Neep: 1.61803... said:

    Heya, I added you today, so just ping me up if you’re still interested in a trial.

  8. Unkk: _ said:

    Yeah i will, been a bit afk today, damn car broke down.

  9. Warmetal: Suse said:

    Seen him on lobbies and he is actually pretty good for a newcomer! Would say he will improve really fast and could even play d5 already.

  10. Unkk: _ said:

    Bumpelli bump

  11. Peign: snapeandjaptorc said:

    Don’t know him, but I remember his name from a lobby aswell… Basically reread Warmetal’s comment. I smell a talent! ;D

  12. kasabubu said:

    lobbys hero right here

  13. Unkk: _ said:

    thx for the comments:)

  14. Warmetal: Suse said:

    Btw which teams you played with @ UT2k4? You mentioned eurocups but those were loooong time ago so I was just thinking did you even play when I was active? Also played nations cups and prem div but never eurocups so was just thinking if we ever played against each other?

  15. Warmetal: Suse said:

    Btw which teams you played with @ UT2k4? You mentioned eurocups but those were loooong time ago so I was just thinking did you ever play when I was active? Also played nations cups and prem div but never eurocups so was just thinking if we ever played against each other?

  16. Warmetal: Suse said:

    Doublepost when tried to fix one word. :(

  17. Unkk: _ said:

    I played eurocups and nationscups in UT99 mainly, instagib with let’s see TeraGib(TGib), instagib Nation(iN), Darth Maul Clan(DMC), Vikings(^V^ – not sure about Vikings though) and MI7 also played for Sweden here. In UT2k4 i played Eurocup with armagedon team 1(a1) again instagib but later NW with ReiGn in(i think EC or mby no EC for ut2k4 when i played there but we were prem div atleast a few times iirc) and also premier div in ESL or something playing a few games on german television getting assraped by mouz among others(damn they were good), i went under the nickname OpiuM or OPM in ut2k4 and 99. I have seen in a lodbby very shortly a famous old school unrealer, Nakedape but he vanished before i could PM him:P

    Which clan and what nick did u go under?

  18. Warmetal: Suse said:

    Ah, thought I would’ve known you if you played more ut2004. But yea, just wanted to clarify things. Anyway, ut2004 > ut99 ;D

  19. Unkk: _ said:

    Only finns i knew about were vjm and the guys in the smiley face clan-

  20. Unkk: _ said:

    bumpin it

  21. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    I know Warmetal has good taste. I’m putting together a practice group of keen newcomers for regular scrims and lobbies. I can’t call it a team because we aren’t in the league and I already have a team. But then, as we’re just a practice group, you could play with us and still look for a team. I’ve added you, msg me if you’re interested.

  22. Unkk: _ said:

    le bump

  23. Unkk: _ said:

    Fist bump

  24. Unkk: _ said:

    and back up again