ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Demoman  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

International TeamFizzen

Posted by TheCrispyWalrus: | Last Online:

We are Team Fizzen and we are looking for a Div 6 Demoman. Any entries must be 11 or over and need a microphone so we can talk during games. They also need to know good English and have over 100 hours playing time. Thanks!

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  1. hybridcookies: Fizzy said:

    post on highlander forum

  2. Austere said:

    I’d like to apply for Spy if it’s still available.

  3. TeamFizzen said:

    Austere add me on steam and sure Steam: MasterMaccas

  4. TeamFizzen said:

    wen i say sure, i meant ill trial u :P

  5. Jord said:

    hey du u guys have a scout cus id love to trial, im looking for a team

  6. Tollehej: RBH said:

    Added you!

  7. TeamFizzen said:

    im sorry but we already have a scout but we are looking for a demoman

  8. Jam: < ♥) said:

    I know it’s not what you were looking for but i’d be interested in sniping, even if you just need a backup or someone to help with practice. I can do medic but it’s far from my best class.

  9. Jord said:

    du u guys need a medic or demoman still?

  10. Jord said:

    i can be a demoman for u if u need one

  11. TeamFizzen said:

    yes we do. add me :D

  12. Bolly: [T-A!] KSV said:

    I’m a Medic looking for a team if you’re still short of one :)

  13. TeamFizzen said:

    Bolly, feel free to add me if you want to be in a team.

  14. Goose said:

    Still need a medic?

  15. TeamFizzen said:

    No we need a demo now. Sorry!

  16. oKtobersKy said:

    Hey i can play demo, hit me up on steam so we can talk


  17. Mr3pid3mic: KN said:

    I can play demo, soldier (roaming + pocket) medic or scout. Add me on steam if interested.

  18. CyberMonkey said:

    I can play demo if your still looking for one, Haven’t played competitive before but I’ve play quite a bit of Lobby. Add me on steam if you want to talk :D