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ScoutSoldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Lithuania Criticall

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, I'm looking for a new 5 div team.
I can play roamer Soldier (might play pocket) and Scout.

What I want from a team:
– Talking english
– Taking game seriously but having sense of humor
– Looking to improve

I think that's all, add me on Steam for further details.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:48510792 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left DIG Deep [Highlander] shimmy
Left The Enigma Zone Crew 2 [6v6] SmAsH
Joined The Enigma Zone Crew 2 [6v6] Criticall
Left Astro-Robo-Turtles-Ninja Pwning Perrys [6v6] So||o Wo|o
Joined Astro-Robo-Turtles-Ninja Pwning Perrys [6v6] Criticall
Left 2easy [6v6] Criticall
Joined 2easy [6v6] Criticall
Joined DIG Deep [Highlander] Criticall
Left DIG Deep [Highlander] Criticall
Joined DIG Deep [Highlander] Criticall
Left nonamehere [6v6] Criticall
Joined nonamehere [6v6] Criticall
Left Lethal-Zone Insomnia [6v6] Criticall
Left 4ever [Highlander] Makaron
Joined Lethal-Zone Insomnia [6v6] Criticall
Left Team Retro Miau [6v6] Criticall
Joined Team Retro Miau [6v6] Criticall
Left LioL [6v6] Criticall
Joined LioL [6v6] Criticall
Joined 4ever [Highlander] Criticall
Left Team Colon Three² [Highlander] Criticall
Joined Team Colon Three² [Highlander] Importinis
Left Team Colon Three² [Highlander] Criticall
Joined Team Colon Three² [Highlander] Importinis
Left CO² [Highlander] mronnie
Joined CO² [Highlander] mronnie
Left Don't Forget To Smile! [6v6] Criticall
Joined Don't Forget To Smile! [6v6] iluminat
Left RebelsGaming [6v6] VeterinaraS
Joined RebelsGaming [6v6] VeterinaraS
Left iScream [6v6] Criticall
Left None [Highlander] Criticall
Joined None [Highlander] Criticall
Left Highlanders.LT [Highlander] Criticall
Joined iScream [6v6] Criticall
Left iScream [6v6] eduardo
Joined iScream [6v6] Criticall
Left Blazing Falcons [6v6] Criticall
Joined Blazing Falcons [6v6] Criticall
Left Blazing Falcons [6v6] Criticall
Joined Blazing Falcons [6v6] Criticall
Joined Highlanders.LT [Highlander] Criticall

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5 7 242
View Div 5 10 268
View Div 5/Div 6 0 99


  1. Sensėjus: Covenant said:

    good guy crit.as

  2. Criticall said:


  3. Criticall said:


  4. walters: 105 said:

    Good solly

  5. KKR said:

    Div 4/Div 5 Skill


  6. zilis: mamka said:

    Div 6/5, still needs alot to learn.

  7. moussa: .:ne:. said:

    div 4 ? nu xuj znajet

  8. Criticall said:


  9. Makaron said:

    Prem div in all games for sure

  10. Insane Aug said:

    better than u for sure

  11. Peveiks: tB said:

    Aj jo ten viena kart ejom druskos pirkt su juo XDDXXDXDXDxdddddddddddd

  12. Criticall said:


  13. Criticall said:


  14. Criticall said:


  15. KKR said:

    Got kicked due to being rude to teammates, ignoring leader’s orders, trading in game, ducking pcw’s with team and playing mixes with lietuva friends, ignoring calls/not giving calls and leaving medic alone while being pocket. You sure you want somebody like this in your team :(?

  16. Criticall said:

    KKR, you don’t even know the whole story. So shut up.

  17. Criticall said:


  18. Criticall said:


  19. Criticall said:
