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Soldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

England Muerte

Posted: | Last Online:

So yeah…looking for yet another team…seems I have some shitty luck when it comes to joining them, hence I'm looking to join an already established team.

In all honesty my gamesense isn't the greatest (div 5?), but I think it can easily be improved upon within a team environment and with a good maincaller. That said I feel I make up for that DM-wise (probably div 4-ish).

Going to be working full-time til mid-september, so will only be free in the evenings (around 9pm EST), but after that will be free pretty much every day at any time.

So yahhh…any teams out there looking for a 19 year old English dude to join their ranks?

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:41319278 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Virtual Λlliance [6v6] juan
Left such a cool wasp [6v6] pajer0
Joined such a cool wasp [6v6] pajer0
Left Yeezus Fanclub [6v6] pajer0
Left AMENO [Highlander] Ducky
Joined AMENO [Highlander] pajer0
Left Hempus is an Unpleasant Man [Highlander] Muerte
Joined Hempus is an Unpleasant Man [Highlander] Anus Stretcher
Left 9 ☆ STUNNAS [Highlander] Muerte
Joined Yeezus Fanclub [6v6] Bren
Left Virtual Λlliance [6v6] Muerte
Joined Fat Doobie [LAN Team] Verse
Joined Virtual Λlliance [6v6] nibo
Joined 9 ☆ STUNNAS [Highlander] juan
Left Virtual Λlliance [Highlander] Muerte
Left Legende [6v6] Muerte
Joined Legende [6v6] frixx
Left Virtual Λlliance [6v6] Muerte
Joined Virtual Λlliance [Highlander] Muerte
Joined Virtual Λlliance [6v6] Muerte
Left Waifu Warriors [6v6] Pom
Joined Waifu Warriors [6v6] Muerte
Left Waifu Warriors [6v6] Muerte
Joined Waifu Warriors [6v6] Muerte
Left English, motherfucker, do you speak it? [6v6] Muerte
Joined English, motherfucker, do you speak it? [6v6] Muerte
Left Aceton´s Elite [6v6] Muerte
Joined Aceton´s Elite [6v6] Muerte

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 3/Div 4 20 715
View Div 5 0 124
View Div 6 9 432


  1. Vlijm: UbeR | said:

    Chilled guy, funny aswell, and at least div4, x

  2. в ε α ʂ τ: elev8 said:

    Nobody loves me? :'(

  3. в ε α ʂ τ: elev8 said:

    Since Waifu folded, I guess this could do with a bump. :\

  4. Ace said:

    Newbie mix legend! YEEEAH

  5. THE_WILLY said:

    This guy is a beast! Srsly pick him up

  6. Pom said:

    Really nice roamer
    Good comms and nice guy
    Decent dm and gamesense
    Also a good sense of humour
    (I apologise for the team folding)
    GL <3

  7. в ε α ʂ τ: elev8 said:


  8. Cu Chulainn said:

    Absolute filthy cunt of a human being.

    Just one of the many reasons I love him – he’s got an excellent personaility and decent dm – div4 should be attainable within a few games :)