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Scout  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Finland Flesh

Posted: | Last Online:

Im preatty new to the competetive scene, I have however been playing tf2 back and forth since the realse.
And now I recently started playing agin, and Im looking for a clan (Im intrestead in both highlander and 6v6) to teach me the ways of competetive tf2. As im quite new to the competive scene I could settle to just being a stand in.

I play mostly scout, I have been grinding deathmatches and lobbys latly to get some aim and gamesense. But dont expect me to be all pro and shit. Actually expect the oposite.

The word "team" is not unfamiliar to me, as I have played alot of high end WoW and some HoN, so Im very able to take orders and stuff like that, I also learn decently fast. That is what I think atleast.

I got mic and I can speak decent english but as you proberly have noticed allready my grammar isnt the best
(My main languinge is swedish)
Im allright with taking constructive instructions and such, but I cant be asked to play with a rager or a constant whiner.

Some notes about my self then:
My name is Bill and Im 22 years old. I live on a small island called the Aland Islands.
And I guess that im a nice guy with a good sense of humor.
As long as I have been a gamer I have allways been trying to get better at the game, never setteling to be just another casual and it dosnt matter what game it is, Super Mario, tf2, WoW etc.

Sorry for this wall of text, but I hope this wall will catch some attention.
Contact me on steam if you are intrested.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:32738737 Add Friend

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  1. Flesh said:


  2. Flesh said:

    bump 2

  3. fishyard: ︻芫═一☺ said:

    As if HoN players take commands (experienced it myself afet about 500 HoN games xD)

    This may not be on topic, but consider it a free bump =)

  4. Kurates: prly - [hePPa] said:

    Some useful places to get help/experience (in IRC):
    #gather.fi (If you do speak Finnish)
    #scantf2.pickup (Scandinavian pickup/hangout, bot dead though)

    Good Luck!