ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European Team Desolus

Posted by Wiper: | Last Online:

Hi. After "The Other Guys" 6v6 div5/4 team has disbanded, me (Wiper), Pennyfarming and zen chose to stick together and are now building a new team. We need two soldiers and will perhaps also need a medic. We are seeking players that are willing to put alot of effort into the game and plan to keep TF2 as their main game (not fading away in Dota 2 or the like) while progressing a shit ton as a team, hopefully moving us up the divs in the meanwhile. You must be friendly and willing to hang out in the mumble even outside of games every now and then, and be able to keep any casual talk or arguments out of the game but at the same time be set to have a great time hanging out with us. We are looking to create a strong div4 team that hopefully will move up, and this will need everybody's dedication to the team and the game, so if you're a non-rager, mature and very experienced player, looking to be on a very stabile team that will stick together for however long it will take to reach the top, or at least close to, add Wiper :)

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