ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Demoman  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

France Pognon

Posted: | Last Online:

RECRUTMENT POST V2.0, LINK : https://i.imgur.com/YYY9u.jpg

BONUS FRAGMOVIE : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKixej8YZGI


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:33807343 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left France [National Highlander Team] Mista
Left France [National 6v6 Team] Captainhax
Left Punchline [6v6] Tek
Joined DAROUTOUTOU [Highlander] Pognon
Joined Punchline [6v6] Pognon
Left AUTOBOTS [6v6] Pognon
Joined France [National Highlander Team] Pognon
Joined France [National 6v6 Team] Pognon
Joined AUTOBOTS [6v6] Pognon
Left OutSiders [6v6] Pognon
Joined OutSiders [6v6] Luzzu
Left Croissants au Beurre [6v6] droso
Joined Croissants au Beurre [6v6] droso
Left orKs eSports [6v6] Keyro
Joined orKs eSports [6v6] Pognon
Left Hysteria. [6v6] Pognon
Joined Hysteria. [6v6] KillAri
Left Punchline! Moustache [6v6] Pognon
Joined Punchline! Moustache [6v6] BOOBZYYY

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 1/Div 2 40 1488
View Div 2/Div 3 7 659
View Div 2/Div 3 14 858


  1. Gubbins said:

    17:39 – Pognon: wait. I’ll got a plan
    17:39 – Pognon: i make a recruitement post, right now
    17:39 – Pognon: you’re answering first on it
    17:39 – Pognon: heres the text you’ll have to write
    17:40 – Pognon: “oh boy, you’re available ? Sorry brego, adios, so long. Welcome in our roster, Pognon”
    17:40 – Pognon: “xoxo”

  2. GTD: TSUN~ - [PG] said:


  3. Pognon: DA! said:

    Nice fake, Gubbins. NICE FAKE §§§§

  4. fl1p said:

    donne moi ton 06

  5. Brov said:

    Brilliant demoman :3

  6. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:


  7. atomic said:

    top eu demoman
    gl my lovely frenchie

  8. atmo said:

    best demoman in france

  9. Septique said:

    pognoooon <3

  10. CommanderX: (ETF2L Donator) - TEZC said:

    One of the best demos in div1 easily. Needs to start believing it himself

  11. Lukas: ti. said:

    nice person and player.

  12. Tek: ft. said:

    gl mon petit popo adoré

  13. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    If you don’t know who pognon is or what he’s about you ain’t worth his time niggas. Sick sick gamer sick sick frenchman. Probably needs a calmer environment than autobots if he’s playing with english comms but is more than capable.

    DO. IT. UP.

  14. CommanderX: (ETF2L Donator) - TEZC said:

    fuck off i’m calm as shit

  15. Septique said:

    im not

  16. r7an: -9w- said:

    awesome demo and really nice guy, enjoyed playing with him during that one night cup.

  17. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Makes amazing recruitment posts on french tf2 league site thingy :D

  18. Pognon: DA! said:


    thanks for your support. As sun is shining, as birds are singing , i’m up for a (div1ish) backup spot as well for this summer.

  19. Tarkus: aHn said:

    good luck:}

  20. droso: o/ said:

    Give him a team already.

    Pognon, sicl demoman and great friend. <3

  21. droso: o/ said:


  22. Jorman: EPA said:

    money down :)

  23. Pognon: DA! said:

    WOOHOO, thanks to Knuck (bro-luv <3) my recruitment post is now available in english. ITS AWESOME.



  24. atomic said:

    he deserves a prem team for making this recruitment post

  25. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:


  26. Leif said:


  27. .: cc// said:

    Awesome mate , gl :D

  28. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    seal of approval

  29. Drackk:>: best - sniper said:

    Such an awesome guy from what i’ve seen just in MGE servers

  30. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    Such a good looking guy, I just cannot fucking believe it. If I ever meet you in person Pognon, I will give you my very best buttplug! It will be like a wedding ring…

    Also a good Demoman, but everyone knows that.

  31. Evilmoon: TLR - [PG] said:


  32. mrwhizz said:


  33. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    I prefer Pogoui.

  34. huhystah said:


  35. Pognon: DA! said:

    YEAH RMB, WHOS GONNA DEMO ???§????§??

    Onion, Pogoui, Ponjon, Pognon… Give up thoses shitty nicknames and call me BIG DADDY.

  36. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    Big Daddy? Your GF told me otherwise!

  37. Pognon: DA! said:

    Oh, did your mom tell you about our relationship ? :(

  38. achy` said:

    top demo! gl man

  39. LiGz said:

    My little dwarf is alone since a long time… How can you let a little dwarf alone with his pickaxe in his wet mine!? Dude go ahead, take a torch, brave the darkness, find him and pick him! You will never regret it, for sure!

  40. Cu Chulainn said:

    Fantastic demo, great positioning.

    Nice guy too, tbf.

  41. jona197 said:

    good demo and high skills add me or i add you and we could play some day and wach me on action

  42. WOODY[ said:


  43. Pognon: DA! said:

    Hey – Holidays time ! I’ll be back in 8 days.

  44. Therium: trolltech - [MC] said:

    Sexiest accent eu.

  45. KAYOTTE said:

    his accent is priceless =D

    gr8 guy, can low prem imo

  46. minimoose said:

    Best recruitment thread/pictures. Fun guy to be around, and good demo, although I’ve only really seen him in double mixes so what do I know!

  47. SnowiE: -9w- - -9m- said:

    This is the most amusing recruitment post I’ve seen in 12 years of online gaming :) Good luck!

  48. Pognon: DA! said:

    Back <3 !