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Scout  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Scotland PliTy

Posted: | Last Online:

I have played around 480 hours on TF2 and around 70 of them on scout (My main) Although this may not seem alot, I and am a fast learner, and people think I've played scout for far more than I actually have and when they realised I've only played 70 hours they are surprised! I play lobbys regularly and MGE alot but I want to find a team to play in. I am willing to improve. I dont take offence (if someone gives me adivce and tells me I'm doing this wrong etc), and would be so happy if there was a team to pick me up and improve my scout playing and gamesense. :) I am free to play on most days (apart from sundays and Tuesdays)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:95061716 Add Friend

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One Comment

  1. enwyze said:

    nice lad and very keen on mge. seems to be motivated to get into that competitive stuff! give him a chance!