ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

International .

Posted: | Last Online:


we are now 3 people who wants to get more out of TF2 and therefore we have decided to make a team for competetive TF2, but we can't do it alone, so if you want to join our team fill out this formula and send it to [email protected]

ps. it's either gonna be a team of 6 or 8, and some backups.

sincerely Le Blarh.


First name:




How often do you play (hours per week):

How flexible are you:

What hours do you play:

Favourite class(es):

Why is that your favourite class(es):

What is your most used loadout on you favourite class(es):

How many hours have you played with your favourite class(es) and how much have you played TF2 in total:

Explain your personal ups and downs on your favourite classes:

Most played map, and why:

Why should we pick you for our team:

User Profile | SteamID: Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Happytrail [Highlander] .
Left Team MeanMode [Highlander] .
Left Push u ReRes [6v6] Betasmile
Joined Push u ReRes [6v6] Betasmile
Left Legende [6v6] frixx
Joined Legende [6v6] frixx
Left Brb Reloading [6v6] yllen
Joined Brb Reloading [6v6] yllen
Joined Team MeanMode [Highlander] Tomu
Left Tummy Rubbers [6v6] .
Joined Tummy Rubbers [6v6] .
Left EoE [6v6] .
Left Viscous and Delicious [Highlander] roger_wilco
Joined Viscous and Delicious [Highlander] .
Left Engineers of Equestria [Highlander] .
Joined Engineers of Equestria [Highlander] .
Joined EoE [6v6] .

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 5 7 343
View Div 5 2 385
View Div 6 0 134
View Div 6 2 332

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