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Demoman  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

France payard

Posted: | Last Online:


I've been inactive for while and since i asked k3 to replace me in the punchline line up i don't want to take him the sit back.
i've played Heavy when i started TF2, then scout (then cheat as scout :o) ), then soldier, then medic, but now i want to try something new and reroll as demoman.

i can't really evaluate my skill, but i'm willing to improve and i guess that i've got enough experience and gamesense to start at this level (D2 at least)

/q me :o)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:32655332 Add Friend

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  1. Tek: ft. said:

    Amazing friend and mate, good soldier, cheater scout, rage medic :o) and upcoming talent as demo.
    <3 thx for all

  2. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    get the feeling he dislikes me, i like him

  3. Pognon: DA! said:

    improving way too fast, i’m affraid he’ll soon replace me :(


  4. Flippy: LEGO - DA! said:

    played every classes @ high level, might be the same for demo. Adorable and lovable guy tho

  5. kustom3: AwS - DA! said:

    Please take good care of him.

  6. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:



    Good at every class. C’est tout.

  7. Qdam said:

    Pretty sick and lovely guy btw.
    GL gros.