ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedic  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

England Grabbin' Pills

Posted by Sherb ⑨: | Last Online:

A new 6v6 team looking to play in the ETF2L Season 12.

We're from England, and communicate via Mumble.
We don't yet own a TF2 server, but that is in the works.
We will also communicate with people in hopes of them joining.

Basic application process is a Mumble conversation, to see how well you fit in with the rest of the team. We will ask a few general knowledge questions, such as callouts etc.
We will then play some random pubs together, to see how well we can communicate as a whole.

Need: Demo and Medic.

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  1. pajo: CHR - hi9 said:

    please dont use skype or ts, everybody uses mumble ;)

  2. Hudson! said:

    Maybe you can get a mumble slot here?

    Best of luck in your search!

  3. themast: -=CFMC=- said:

    I would Also agree on the mumble server but willing use any if necessary. I like to trial with you guys. My main class is solly. you can add me on steam or i’m on irc.quakenet.org #etf2l


  4. RocketCat said:

    Thanks for letting me know about the Mumble channel offer! Looking in to it right now~

  5. RocketCat said:

    Okay! We now have a Mumble channel! :D

  6. Hudson! said:

    Glad to hear it :3

  7. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Join this team, come see the nervousENERGY mumble for yourselves, you know you want to.

  8. BraveHeart: GOALstar said:

    I would like to Join :D
    Add me

  9. Kerokai said:

    Hey there i’m kinda interested in possibly joining your team. I would say i might be a decent fit since i’m not too shabby at playing Demo :3