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Scout  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Finland Kurates

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello. Entry-level 6v6 newbie looking for a team.
-I can speak Finnish/English fluently (+ Swedish poorly)
-I am content to use IRC, mumble etc.
-Around 1300h pub experience.
-Eager to learn.
-Fairly active, though my wireplay HL team plays thurs-sun.
-Some comp experience from Highlander (mostly scrims+ an official in DIV2)
Add me if you're interested.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:42244521 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Poorly Raised [6v6] shötZ
Left ATK [6v6] Kurates
Joined ATK [6v6] Cauthon
Left Lutuset [6v6] Kurates
Joined Lutuset [6v6] Salmon
Left Taikatytöt [2v2] Kurates
Left Poorly Raised [6v6] Kurates
Joined Poorly Raised [6v6] shötZ
Left Lutuset [6v6] Kurates
Left Finland [National Highlander Team] Toba
Joined Lutuset [6v6] Santtu
Left Poorly Raised [6v6] Kurates
Joined Finland [National Highlander Team] Kurates
Joined hePPa [Highlander] Kurates
Left Sandviches are Forever [Highlander] Kurates
Joined Taikatytöt [2v2] Kurates
Joined Sandviches are Forever [Highlander] Kurates
Left Bädäss [6v6 Fun Team] Kurates
Left Have Kurates in team > instant drop [Highlander] Kurates
Joined Poorly Raised [6v6] Kurates
Left Avocado Express [6v6] Kurates
Joined Have Kurates in team > instant drop [Highlander] Kurates
Joined Bädäss [6v6 Fun Team] Kurates
Joined Avocado Express [6v6] Kurates
Left Acetabulis [6v6] Kurates
Left I am fully *fzzzzt* [Highlander] Kurates
Joined Acetabulis [6v6] unu
Joined I am fully *fzzzzt* [Highlander] unu

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  1. Ununoctium said:

    Your Swedish is not poor, you’re decent at it.

    This guy is great and fun to be around.
    Why do you wanna 6v6 though?

  2. cribbe: TC said:

    fun to play with/against on pubs.

    good luck man!

  3. Ond kaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    Funny accent, good aim. Pick him up.

  4. Tha Swaggfather: [GRäS] - #DÖDSRYSS said:

    After getting used to this guy in mumble, it gets fairly empty when he’s not there. In other words, he’s a must-have. His accent aswell.

  5. Ununoctium said:

    Best accent EU.