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Soldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom h1

Posted: | Last Online:

me :
can pocket/roam
good comms
no rage
speak english
active most days
div4/3(from what people have suggested)

established (pref no new teams, but will try anything)
willing to progress
active 3/4days

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:665601 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Casual Cutie [6v6] h1
Left Mai Ingrush iz table [6v6] h1
Joined Mai Ingrush iz table [6v6] h1
Left Team Colonslash: Vibes [6v6] h1
Joined Team Colonslash: Vibes [6v6] h1
Left All The Rage [6v6] h1
Joined All The Rage [6v6] h1
Left ScS Gaming.EU [6v6] h1
Joined ScS Gaming.EU [6v6] h1
Left Buy More [6v6] h1
Joined Tardus+Sideshow= best internets eu [6v6 Fun Team] Tarduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Joined Buylander [Highlander] h1
Joined Buy More [6v6] Rex
Left Funky Bear Pie - Team Pie [6v6] Cap'n JABBA
Joined Funky Bear Pie - Team Pie [6v6] Juan

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 3 16 517
View Div 3 31 1158
View Div 6 0 221
View Div 3/Div 4 16 652
View Div 4 28 723
View Div 4/Div 5 41 946
View Div 5/Div 6 15 761


  1. rviens said:

    I love you.

  2. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:

    pro internet

  3. tweek\: ez-sports.ru said:

    he’s 25

  4. Speedfreak said:

    could someone plz pick him up, he’s a great lad :D

  5. Spike Himself: TC said:

    amazing accent + lots of calls = mumblegasm

  6. h1: :3 - BM said:

    month without a team :(

  7. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    Prrrrooooooooffeeessssionaaal engineeerrrrrrr?!

  8. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:

    its constructor, rdios u fkuin mong

  9. h1: :3 - BM said:

    why do i always attract the mongs on my posts.

  10. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:

    coz u play rochelle h1 :<<<<<<<

  11. Alba: duplo said:

    Played against him twice. Would trial him at once if we needed a solly. Seems like a cool guy

  12. Funkadelic: [d¿s] said:

    One of the nicest guys I’ve played with.

    Can handle div3.

    gl mate!

  13. h1: :3 - BM said:

    cheers lad!

  14. Speedfreak said:

    ajj bamp dis foer maj fjend ejdc juan

  15. rviens said:

    Can play any class only because it’s impossible to hit him. NOPE. Not ’cause of good strafing but ’cause of horrible lag.

  16. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    ummm i remember his 1st airshot, that was amazing – i was there

  17. h1: :3 - BM said:

    a month n still homeless :(

  18. FIR: SnG said:

    screw being homeless, you know you belong in random mixes with me <3

  19. h1: :3 - BM said:

    haha yes! <3

  20. h1: :3 - BM said:

    get me a team up in this bitch

  21. Foster: -9m- - Pixie <3 said:

    div1 at medic heal orders

  22. h1: :3 - BM said:

    haha ;)

  23. Chaplain: the ninja - TSPAG said:

    Juan Chance at success

  24. Vlijm: UbeR | said:

    Worst pocket EU, ask mighty

  25. Sideshow: (ETF2L Donator) - ft. - WiK? said:

    copy pastin’ dis shit

    Awesome guy, really friendly and a great soldier for the skill level he’s looking. In my opinion while his DM could handle div3 probably if he keeps practising like he is, he needs a good top div4/low div3 team with a bit of patience to give him that experience. First season he may be a little shaky to begin with at that level but after that he is going to be a boss, tearing shit up.
    Would fit into any team as well, no raging or whining, just up for a laugh.

  26. h1: :3 - BM said:

    haha Vli! man if mighty ever bothered to heal me id protect him!, only pocket eu to pocket n never get heals or ubers :(

  27. Vlijm: UbeR | said:

    That afraid people would take my comment seriously? :P

    H1 is awesome and well known for being a good laugh and having a cool voice aswell.

  28. konr: idd. said:


  29. RisinG: MAFIA said:

    nice guy
    decent aim
    div3 is possible

  30. h1: :3 - BM said:

    haha indeed vli, it kills my ego when you post harmfull things :(

  31. Chaplain: the ninja - TSPAG said:

    Big man juan

  32. h1: :3 - BM said:

    top dog me san

  33. Devon Woodcomb: [Bn] - BM said:

    How’s leaving the team working out for you Alex ya knob? MON THE FUCKIN BM.


  34. Sideshow: (ETF2L Donator) - ft. - WiK? said:

    almost beat pescanova at badlands spire

    didn’t beat pescanova at badlands spire

  35. frix: LG said:

    not really div3 tbh. Mid-top d4

    gl man

  36. nova: T2P said:

    do you still have your zaccubus type hair? :D

    huge gamer, good at saving my ass when i’ve got 15 fps

    gl alex

  37. h1: :3 - BM said:

    nah got rid of that like 2yr ago haha and as always saving the team :)
    and cheers frix

  38. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    The most proffessional engineeeerrrr ive ever seen.

  39. freshmeatt: ‹Con› said:

    Great addition. Really entertaining to play with him. With enough patience from both parties, he’s got a chance to improve quickly with appropriate lead.
    Best of luck man.

  40. h1: :3 - BM said:

    bump, cheers lads :)