ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Demoman  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

International nervousENERGY Green

Posted by Void: | Last Online:

If I have learned anything during my time in ETF2L, it's that good demomen don't grow on trees.
Not here, anyway. I'm sure there's a place somewhere in the infinite universe where they do, but our interstellar exploration fund is stretched a bit thin, so a recruitment post will have to do.

We are:
– Equipped with the usual assesories: Match server, Mumble, forum.
– Sweet, loving chaps who don't rage. Promise. Not even the silent passive-aggressive kind.
– About 7.0-7.5 on the Keener Scale (Keen enough to strive for more than div 5, not keen enough for mouth breathing or pacts with the Antichrist)
– Disciples of the belief that brains are still important in low-level TF2 (silly, I know)

And you should have:
– Sufficient understanding of the demoman class and its role (kinda sad I have to write this)
– A frontal lobe
– The inclination to learn from mistakes
– Pipes cleaner than a swiss lavatory

Usual pcw times are sun, mon, wed, thu at 8 CEST.
Assuming we haven't grossed you out yet, feel free to arrange a trial on steam.
Void out.

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Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4/Div 5 1 252
View Div 4/Div 5 0 224
View Div 5 7 702
View Div 4 23 842
View Div 5 0 205
View Div 5 0 214
View Div 5 7 525
View Div 5 6 502
View Div 5/Div 6 1 196
View Div 5/Div 6 11 825


  1. Speedfreak said:

    Tbh i hate these guys, they want me to merc, and then they change their mind, and then they’re like “can you merc now?”, and i say “no i got shit going on in my life, i hate you” and they laugh at me and spread rumors that im a douche D:
    APRIL FOOLS! (i didn’t get to say that yesterday)
    Nice lads, i like em, they’re dedicated and they got waaaaay to much experience for div5, void and niir are funny guys, wrecksan has a funny accent, (in a nice way wreck <3)
    Speed out, A-town!

  2. Blacky said:

    They’re abunch of nice guys, skillful.

  3. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Here I am again, jerking my circle…

  4. Typhoon: Laconic. said:

    Really nice guys ;]

  5. Void: .:ne:. - CWoT said:

    Turns out we’re still looking.

  6. llbr said:

    Really nice bunch of guys, have lots of talent, just need a couple of things sorted and they can go div 4 :D

  7. Void: .:ne:. - CWoT said:

    Still without demo, sadly…