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Soldier  Prem Skill, 6v6

Denmark Natural

Posted: | Last Online:

I have been busy studying and travelling, so I haven't really been paying much attention to what's going on within the scene. However, I now have the time on my hands to start playing regularly again. As such, this post is primarily to see if anything interesting is out there.

Add me on STEAM if interested.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:30627093 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Animate [6v6] Natural
Left Denmark [National 6v6 Team] Dr. Phil
Left Denmark [National Highlander Team] sinr
Joined Animate [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left Vintage [6v6] Natural
Joined Vintage [6v6] F2
Left Animate [6v6] Natural
Joined Animate [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left LEGO [6v6] Natural
Left Danish Community Swingers [Highlander] Natural
Joined Denmark [National Highlander Team] Natural
Joined LEGO [6v6] Natural
Joined Danish Community Swingers [Highlander] Natural
Joined Natural [1v1] Natural
Joined Denmark [National 6v6 Team] Natural
Left We won all games in prem [6v6] Gubbins
Joined We won all games in prem [6v6] Gubbins
Left Blame [6v6] Natural
Joined Blame [6v6] ShitFly
Left Lethal-Zone Green [6v6] Natural
Joined Lethal-Zone Green [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Left Crink.The Man [6v6] Natural
Joined Crink.The Man [6v6] Blitz.
Left LaZy [6v6] DOLLFACE
Joined LaZy [6v6] DOLLFACE

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem 4 934
View Prem 7 1855
View Prem/Div 1 11 1777
View Prem/Div 1 6 1187
View Div 1 11 1369
View Div 2/Div 3 34 1746
View Mid 8 969


  1. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:


  2. randa said:

    nice guy decent player gl

  3. mrwhizz said:

    Mr. Danmark himself!

  4. Benvarmeren said:

    Danmark vinder!

  5. frix: LG said:


  6. alfa said:

    gl bud!

  7. IPZIE: SUAVE said:


  8. schocky: MAFIA said:

    gl mate!

  9. fallen said:

    bitch please, just take him

  10. GeaR: Epsilon said:

    sick gamer!

  11. FADe said:

    Sickest shotgun you’ll ever see.
    In my opinion Natural needs to join an already established or newly formed top team if he wishes to continue improving at the game. As it has now been quite some time since exotic folded It’s easier to look back and see things how they really were, rather than at the time get all pissy & whingey and churn out “Why u no jump???” etc.
    During exotic’s lifespan although not main calling I did like to get involved in plans for pushing/defending lasts and a few other bits and bobs. However, it was evidently clear my calls were going unnoticed and quite often ignored. Generally there was an underlying issue of distrust (ingame matters) between us, which is regrettable and was something which I had hoped we could of avoided after witnessing the exact same issues arrise during the Taimou era and the huge negative knock-on effect it had on atmosphere and results. Unfortunately the bastard within prevented me from sitting at my computer 4 nights a week playing medic in a calm and fashionily manor.


    – Don’t have a hot headed medic, as the key to Natural is his relationship with his medic.

    Besides from our differences ingame I found Nick to be a really calm guy, easy to talk to (loves being sarcastic!!) and perhaps most suprisingly; genuinely good looking – a rarity in eu tf2.

    best of luck Nick!

  12. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    awesome calm guy, always has nice inputs for tactics n shit (sick badlands choke tactic)

    beastin shotgun ;)

  13. Natural said:

    Thanks guys. I’m still around, available for trials.

  14. Mike: TEZC said:

    good player!

  15. Gubbins said:

    Fastest any soldier has made such an impressive mark on me for over 2 years.