ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Latvia Grc

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello there,i am searching for team div4-div3(i will try to all what i can in div3).

From me:
1.Non rager
3.Stable player(can play everyday)
4.English speaker
5.I have brain and aim =)

From you:
1.Stable team
2.No rage and spam when u are playing pcw/offical
3.Team with future
4.Good teammates)

Feel free to add on steam or u can write something here!

Trolls get away,i mean latvian haters :D

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:43443088 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left goth gang [6v6] ivan
Joined goth gang [6v6] ivan
Left Sick Brick [6v6] Dikker
Joined Sick Brick [6v6] Grc
Left Quick Team [6v6] Grc
Joined Quick Team [6v6] Grc
Left burn [6v6] Grc
Joined burn [6v6] PineBerry High
Left MASTERMINDS [6v6] Grc
Joined MASTERMINDS [6v6] Grc
Left Green Elephants. [6v6] anabolick
Joined Dot highlander ! [Highlander] Lakoa
Left We dont care [Highlander] Grc
Left Zirafix [2v2] Grc
Joined Green Elephants. [6v6] Grc
Left Impulse! [6v6] Grc
Joined Impulse! [6v6] Raiden
Left Grow uP Gaming [6v6] Grc
Joined Grow uP Gaming [6v6] Keeway
Left Green Elephants. [6v6] moddish
Joined Green Elephants. [6v6] Grc
Left team infusion [6v6] Grc
Left Gerc :3 BOG [1v1] Grc
Joined team infusion [6v6] wampee
Left pH. Gaming [6v6] fun
Joined pH. Gaming [6v6] fun
Joined Gerc :3 BOG [1v1] Grc
Left No Way Out [6v6] Grc
Joined We dont care [Highlander] comedown
Joined No Way Out [6v6] mif
Left NeveR RelaX [6v6] Grc
Joined NeveR RelaX [6v6] Grc
Left Stoopid Monkey [6v6] Grc
Joined Zirafix [2v2] mif
Joined Stoopid Monkey [6v6] mif
Left So famous Gamers [6v6] Grc
Joined So famous Gamers [6v6] Grc
Left Rape and co. [6v6] Grc
Joined Rape and co. [6v6] Grc
Left So famous Gamers [6v6] Grc
Joined So famous Gamers [6v6] Grc
Left #Virtual Gaming [6v6] Grc
Joined #Virtual Gaming [6v6] mif
Left Pure Gaming team [6v6] Grc
Joined Pure Gaming team [6v6] Grc
Left I [6v6] Grc
Joined I [6v6] Grc
Left Dynamic Gaming [6v6] mif
Joined Dynamic Gaming [6v6] Grc
Left Intensive. Team [6v6] mif
Left Intensive. Team [3v3] [6v6 Fun Team] mif
Joined Intensive. Team [6v6] Grc
Joined Intensive. Team [3v3] [6v6 Fun Team] Grc

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 1/Div 2 12 459
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View Div 4/Div 5 3 247


  1. Watri said:

    Good DM soldier and fun to play with :D
    Definitely a div3/4 soldier

  2. Grc: . said:


  3. sano: kZk said:


  4. Bulle: Epsilon - LEGO said:

    Great dm skills can handle what he is looking for gl!

  5. Grc: . said:

    bump :

  6. unexpected.: TEZC said:

    Latvian brat ^^.

  7. Josh: MANDEM - LEGO said:

    Very immature player after starting to say 2ez when he was getting carried against a div4 off class mix. I guess he has decent dm but attitude awful.

  8. Grc: . said:

    Josh it was only joke so don’t be so serious and i like team mysports because fybedi is playing in this team,so don’t be so aggresive =)

  9. nomad90: mmb said:

    just a very nice latvian with nice body. he has very good dm skill and he is so lovely :)

  10. nomad90: mmb said:


  11. Grc: . said:


  12. Grc: . said:

    still searching =)

  13. ince said:

    3div sk1ll3d 1337 ub3r pr0 s1ck pl4y3r!!11!!!

  14. Grc: . said:


  15. Grc: . said:

    still looking

  16. Moussa: .:ne:. said:

    noob at dota 2

  17. Grc: . said:
