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Scout  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Finland Henrisy

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm looking for a 6v6 team or/and a highlander one. I'm an experienced player with tf, but i've never played highlander or 6v6 before. I am a fast learner though (:
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User Profile | SteamID: U:1:63974703 Add Friend

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  1. Muffinbaskets said:

    Have you ever played 6v6 or highlander before? o.O

  2. dEgzi said:

    defo worth takin into div3 straight away. never played with him nor heard of him, but hes the best as scout \,,/

  3. Henrisy said:

    I have not played highlander or 6v6 before but i think i am worthy because i’ve watched a lot of matches from last season and i’m a fast learner. I would appretiate if you would give me a chance (:

  4. Lord Bowler: [MIPC] said:


  5. Dummy said:

    henrisy – if youve no 6v6 experience, put div 6, as you’re not div 3/4