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Scout  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

England tSoodle

Posted: | Last Online:

Scout mainly, then roaming solly.
Strength is MGE, then game making decisions.
Working microphone, can speak engrish.
Would like to enter a div 3-4 team for season 12.
Also play Highlander, in Digital Cowboys for UGC and Easy Going for etf2l.

Can't play Mon and Thu unless its early but any other day is fine.

add me and trial me bro/sis

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:34129963 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Super Secret Monkey Mafia [Highlander] tSoodle
Left Leslie Dowdall [6v6] tSoodle
Joined Super Secret Monkey Mafia [Highlander] tSoodle
Joined Leslie Dowdall [6v6] tSoodle
Left Easy Going [Highlander] tSoodle
Left Megabeth [6v6 Fun Team] tSoodle
Left trauma [6v6] hypzy
Joined trauma [6v6] tSoodle
Joined Megabeth [6v6 Fun Team] ondkaja
Left 8U Gaming [6v6] tSoodle
Joined Easy Going [Highlander] Silence
Left #SDW [Highlander] tSoodle
Joined 8U Gaming [6v6] KrullkrigareN^
Joined #SDW [Highlander] tSoodle
Left Endurance [6v6] tSoodle
Left We Want Fun [Highlander] Atomicus
Joined Endurance [6v6] ondkaja
Joined We Want Fun [Highlander] ondkaja

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 3 6 358
View Div 5 3 217


  1. Alx: SNSD-jjang ♥ said:

    Have been playing with Soodle a bit in the UGC HL. Great guy and good scout. Get him (;

  2. p1xel said:

    Agree to Alx post, good scout, like him. Catch him ;D

  3. shower_gel said:

    Sudowoodo is my pocket for smnc and your not having him! thats final!

    beast scout <3

  4. Muffinbaskets: pen15 said:

    Soooo nice guy, fun to play with and good scout. GL with finding team! :3

  5. demsii: EPA said:

    Only played with him once, seemed like an okay guy. Give him a chance I guess.

    [troll]Did you get permission from Andy to look for a team or are you actually taking the initiative?[/troll]

  6. tSoodle said:

    This is for a 6v6 team, Im still in the highlander team.

  7. Xk: [8U] - [8U] said:

    Chill guy, solid calls, great scout.

  8. demsii: EPA said:

    no shit sherlock ;D

  9. Socky: RG-eSports said:

    Nice guy, nice scout, much luck to you soodle :)

  10. Jaskey said:

    Big plays man, gotta get dem airstrikes, carryscout div3

  11. Roflcopter said:

    definitely good enough for division 3 gl finding a team,but dont forget about us when youre at the top <3

  12. Will said:

    Asian therefore good

  13. Ond kaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    23:32 – [8U] t’Soodle: http://etf2l.org/recruitment/116212/
    23:32 – [8U] t’Soodle: recomend meeeee


  14. tSoodle said:

    ^oh dear

  15. Cardbox said:

    Played with him for my brief time in competitive tf2, was fun to play with and definitely good enough for it (as much as it pains me to say). GL man!

  16. IsuckNewton said:

    Nice guy. I played some hl with him and he seemed very skillful.

  17. tSoodle said:

    seemed? more like is D:

  18. Magypsy: GoonP said:

    I played with him in 6v6 and Highlander with WWF/Endurance. He’s a very good Scout.

  19. Live: SURGE - . said:

    Stop Warping ! (:
    srly we cannot hit you !

  20. Alba: Bully said:

    great guy, would handle div 3. Catch him lads!

  21. tSoodle said:

    Left 8U. LFT.

  22. Cam00 said:

    He wants to be the very best
    Like no one ever was
    To cap points is his real quest
    To meatshot is his cause

    Keen, to say the least. Soodle will go far methinks, good aim, good gamesense. More suited for an aggressive role. Doesn’t like enemy medics.

  23. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    like 20-5’d him

  24. Teapot: eureka said:

    very talanted and keen scout, always looking to improve.

    would be an asset to any div4 team pushing div3 next season