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Wanting to play pocket soldier actually.
+ Fully available everyday (except on friday and saturday)
+ Could probably maincall, but would enjoy not doing it
+ Will to improve at all cost
+ Belgian.
– I will probably need some time to adapt my comm since i've never played in an english speaking team.
– Drosophile is in my friendlist.
– I'm risking my life 3 times a year in a car with droso as driver.
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View | Prem/Div 1 | 7 | 536 |
Good soldier, Gl
nice soldier GL
*for real div1
Luzzu was our carry and main call this season ; it’s an awesome soldier, a great main call and a good friend. Don’t get his team history wrong : he’s now able to play at a topD1 level without a single doubt.
An amazing soldier.
Good luck mate :)
awesome soldier, can handle top d1
gl bro :) (namur is the best namur) !!!
Luzzu <3
Fucking beast
Good sol ! GL !
beast , great guy , definetely div1
gl <3
heared good stuff about him!
gl man
He’s the Best ! >:O KARDES FTW !
Div 1 iZ , an awesome player , one of the best sol . And with a perfect game’s vision.
Amazing player
Awesome medic.
Who Cares? :D
Strong d1 soldier ! Very fun @ lan (
Great Sol , Gl
I heard he has KnoxXx’ official seal of approval… and he fucking destroyed when I played for elem.v last night. Looking forward to playing together @ GA (and maybe some pcws soon?)
Bonne chance!
Big moviemaker, he told me so much things on vegas
div 1 ezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Wait, you let Droso drive? Dayum..
I like this guy
le bump pour un grand soldier