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Soldier  Div 1 Skill, 6v6

Belgium Luzzu

Posted: | Last Online:

Wanting to play pocket soldier actually.

+ Fully available everyday (except on friday and saturday)
+ Could probably maincall, but would enjoy not doing it
+ Will to improve at all cost
+ Belgian.

– I will probably need some time to adapt my comm since i've never played in an english speaking team.
– Drosophile is in my friendlist.
– I'm risking my life 3 times a year in a car with droso as driver.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:41311727 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Belgium [National 6v6 Team] Aoshi
Left Awsomniac [6v6] T-Mac
Left Belgium [National Highlander Team] Crazyman
Left le leglesslegolegolas xD [Highlander] skeej
Joined Awsomniac [6v6] Exon.
Left Rip the #dream [6v6] Luzzu
Joined Rip the #dream [6v6] CommanderX
Left Indeed [6v6] Luzzu
Joined Indeed [6v6] Luzzu
Left WebOne [6v6] Luzzu
Joined WebOne [6v6] Luzzu
Left WebOne [6v6] droso
Joined Tu Veux Du Pain? [2v2] Luzzu
Joined WebOne [6v6] Luzzu
Left Cash Money Haters [6v6] Luzzu
Joined Cash Money Haters [6v6] Luzzu
Left 6 Inches Unbuffed [6v6] Luzzu
Joined 6 Inches Unbuffed [6v6] Luzzu
Left smooth criminals [6v6] Luzzu
Joined Belgium [National 6v6 Team] Luzzu
Joined smooth criminals [6v6] Luzzu
Left The Last Resort [6v6] HYS
Joined Belgium [National Highlander Team] Luzzu
Joined The Last Resort [6v6] HYS
Left OutSiders [6v6] Luzzu
Joined le leglesslegolegolas xD [Highlander] skeej
Joined OutSiders [6v6] Luzzu
Left PunchLine! [6v6] Luzzu
Joined PunchLine! [6v6] Luzzu
Left orKs eSports [6v6] Luzzu
Joined orKs eSports [6v6] AmZi
Left ClanbusterS Extasy [6v6] Luzzu
Joined ClanbusterS Extasy [6v6] Xabi
Left Hurricane [6v6] Luzzu
Joined Hurricane [6v6] Luzzu

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  1. Typh0n: AUTOBOTS said:

    Good soldier, Gl

  2. Tek: ft. said:

    GL DIV1

  3. DeGuN said:

    nice soldier GL

  4. Tek: ft. said:

    *for real div1

  5. Pognon: DA! said:

    Luzzu was our carry and main call this season ; it’s an awesome soldier, a great main call and a good friend. Don’t get his team history wrong : he’s now able to play at a topD1 level without a single doubt.

  6. Waf said:

    An amazing soldier.

    Good luck mate :)

  7. fl1p said:

    awesome soldier, can handle top d1
    gl bro :) (namur is the best namur) !!!

  8. droso: o/ said:

    Luzzu <3

  9. begorenow: brbu said:

    Fucking beast

  10. NovaE: I ♥ EFALL. said:

    Good sol ! GL !

  11. RisinG: MAFIA said:

    beast , great guy , definetely div1

    gl <3

  12. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    heared good stuff about him!

  13. atomic said:

    gl man

  14. woiz* said:

    He’s the Best ! >:O KARDES FTW !

  15. Noreille: RELAPSE! - AwF said:

    Div 1 iZ , an awesome player , one of the best sol . And with a perfect game’s vision.

  16. fRx: LG said:

    Amazing player

  17. Zylaen: FaZe said:

    Awesome medic.

    Who Cares? :D

  18. dONut said:

    Strong d1 soldier ! Very fun @ lan (https://i.imgur.com/3qPrs.jpg)

  19. KaaKes said:

    Great Sol , Gl


  20. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    I heard he has KnoxXx’ official seal of approval… and he fucking destroyed when I played for elem.v last night. Looking forward to playing together @ GA (and maybe some pcws soon?)

    Bonne chance!

  21. Aephage said:

    Big moviemaker, he told me so much things on vegas

  22. biester said:

    div 1 ezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  23. demsii: EPA said:

    Wait, you let Droso drive? Dayum..

  24. Vanilla_Mi: F! said:

    I like this guy

  25. RisinG: MAFIA said:

    le bump pour un grand soldier