ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates KroTF2

Posted by Ausl0: | Last Online:

First time entering a Highlander comp. Currently have 8 people and we need a soldier. American team, so it's safe to assume that we speak English. We don't have a server so we'll be doing practice through tf2lobby. Voice chat is preferred but not necessary. Add me and we can work things out.


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View Div 6 0 65


  1. Colvin95 said:

    Hey! How’s it going? I’d love to join, I can play Spy, Medic, Demo, and Soldier all with a very well above average level of skill. Let me know what you’d prefer me to play!


  2. Colvin95 said:

    I also have a medic/engineer friend that wants to play as well.


  3. Ausl0: K said:

    Updated with more players. We only need a Spy, Medic, and a Soldier now.

  4. Ceasar McSalad said:

    I am a good spy if you still need one


  5. Ausl0: K said:

    @Ceasar McSalad: unfortunately we already have a spy. Our soldier spot is the only one that is still open or you could sign up as a replacement for any of the other classes.