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Scout  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Croatia sky

Posted: | Last Online:

15 yo, scout is my main, non-raging, talkative, active (playing every day), LF a good div5/4 team with friendly and active people that SPEAK ENGLISH PROPERLY!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:87126432 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Farah-esports.org [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined Farah-esports.org [6v6] sky
Left Waifu Warriors [6v6] Pom
Joined Waifu Warriors [6v6] sky
Left eXecution [6v6] sky
Joined eXecution [6v6] Dompa

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4/Div 5 10 560
View Div 5/Div 6 2 99
View Div 5/Div 6 0 110
View Div 6 0 81
View Div 6 1 188


  1. sky said:

    trolls are not welcome :>

  2. Dompa93: pHy - B☆ said:

    He has very good potential and he’s not raging. Suggestin at all…

  3. Socky: RG-eSports said:

    Yo oxy’s brother!
    Good scout, recommended.

  4. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    What, Oxy has a Croatian brother???

  5. sky said:

    yeah, its me, im his twin brother actually :D

  6. sky said:

    but not TC Oxy, oxy from guru :D

  7. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    I know I know, just messing with you :) Good luck :D

  8. sky said:

    Thanks :P

  9. nunez: IDK - :> said:

    Inmature MGE tryhard.

  10. sky said:

    lol just rage please

  11. sky said:

    and nice english there

  12. Smirre: duplo said:

    Mge tryhard, leaves everytime he is about to loose. Rages on people in chat..

  13. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    played him once on mge. he was 19 – 10 down then !add removed from queue to save points.

  14. sky said:

    Oh my god, stop whining about MGE -.- i can leave anytime i want.. what is your problem?

  15. sky said:

    Btw, you lose points when you remove with !add :D and i like it when people call me a tryhard, cuz im obviously the only person that is a tryhard, you just mad cuz u bad..

  16. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    judging from this you seem like an immature retard, hope I am wrong, gl

  17. sky said:

    I don’t care, trash-talk me and whatever

  18. Pwnski said:

    Who cares about MGE points anyways? But yes, he does qqq in MGE. Best of luck though!

  19. Augutysh said:

    Mge tryhard, leaves everytime he is about to loose. Rages on people in chat..

  20. avenue said:

    rages a lot. just saying

  21. sky said:

    Yeah yeah, stop pretending that you never rage.. everybody rages sometimes
    I don’t rage on officials and stuff
    Btw augutysh, i saw you raging when you lost from a guy with 1300 pts ..
    admit it, everybody rages sometimes :D

  22. Pwnski said:

    To be honest, I can’t see why you are looking for a div 4/5 team. I mean, you have ‘t played a season with a team yet, and you have 350 hours on TF2, so you still need to improve (no offense of course) I just dont understand it

  23. Szymciu: M` said:

    very low brain and low aim. farmer points on mge and big rage max low 5 div

  24. sky said:

    hehe, you know, you lost from me and since then you are trashing me

  25. sky said:

    @ Pwnski
    I have 350h, yes, and i havent played any season, so what? that doesnt mean im bad lol, you prejudge people :)

  26. sky said:

    and hours dont mean anything

  27. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    Good scout, nice guy but is like entman oxy and prozein who are playing mge just for the points…

  28. Pwnski said:

    I never said you were bad. I’m saying you should probably try a lower div, since you haven’t even played a season, and you wanna be in div 4/5? Build some reputation first. Also, more hours mean more experience with the class, which develops gamesense and aim etc. Remember, I never said you were bad, but I think you level yourself a bit too high.

  29. sky said:

    I have 350 h, and 320 h of these are played in lobbies, mge, dm .. so dont tell me what to do :D

  30. sky said:

    it would be nice if i’d find a div 5 team

  31. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:

    dont know about scout skill, but hes very immature. First whines at me randomly on mge,and then when it comes to mge match between me and him he !add again during match to save his points.

  32. Pwnski said:

    I’m just saying that you are acting like a baby, and we just say that you should do this or do that, you just say “No, I know better, ok?”. And you contradicted yourself when it came to ours, you said it didn’t matter, but lobby hours matter now? People tend to fuck around in lobbies, in lobbies you rarely have callouts or any teamwork as you would with your own team. Who gives a fuck if you have 320 on lobby, mge etc. If you just ragequit and you don’t want to improve, when people want to help you?

  33. Pwnski said:

    320 hours that is*

  34. sky said:

    i dont ragequit, i want to improve, i never said lobbies matter, just mentioned them and i didn’t say i know better neither i said you were wrong..

  35. sky said:

    and it is 350 hours :D

  36. Aug said:

    you want to improve by saving points? lol

  37. Chicken George said:

    absurdly stupid, raging, immature piece of trash
    GL in your search