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ScoutSoldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Poland Lukas

Posted: | Last Online:

Also we got huge problems with our lineup and Team Dynamo dropped
Ps: I've left DWE because they dont want to play this season.

Looking for:
div 2 team – Soldier
div 3/2 team- Scout.

My only one minus is that , i don't complete any season in div 2/3. So i'm up for trialls to any div 3 team who don't want to drop in one or two months. Remember , its a teamwork game , i dont care if u got mge stars in a team , who dont know how to use brain

Can be a backup allrounder too . For trialls catch me on steam.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:42250696 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Team Infinity [6v6] Sheezer
Left Miszor. Pro [6v6] Lukas
Joined Miszor. Pro [6v6] Hyuigi
Left Default Win e-Sports [6v6] Lukas
Joined Default Win e-Sports [6v6] Lukas
Left RedϟBlack [Highlander] Essence
Joined RedϟBlack [Highlander] Lukas
Left DZIKIE PENISY Z LASU [Highlander] Lukas
Left EASY TARGET [6v6] cufky
Joined EASY TARGET [6v6] Lukas
Left Will it blend ? [6v6] Lukas
Joined Will it blend ? [6v6] Exfane
Joined DZIKIE PENISY Z LASU [Highlander] Lukas
Left Team Dynamo 2 [6v6] Lukas
Left no name neded [Highlander] Lukas
Joined Only Aim [2v2] Lukas
Joined Team Dynamo 2 [6v6] wrex
Left Default Win e-Sports [6v6] Lukas
Joined Default Win e-Sports [6v6] TheGamE.
Left beQuick. [6v6] Lukas
Joined no name neded [Highlander] Tikcus
Joined beQuick. [6v6] didex
Left delete [6v6] alrein
Joined delete [6v6] alrein
Joined Lukas 1v1 [1v1] Lukas
Left unity_ [6v6] kitas
Joined unity_ [6v6] kitas
Left The High Priests [6v6] Lukas
Left Chłopaki ze Stajni [Highlander] Lukas
Joined The High Priests [6v6] Ghostface
Left EASY TARGET [6v6] fybedi
Joined EASY TARGET [6v6] Cizeer
Left fragnatik.tf2 HUPER bitch [6v6] Lukas
Joined fragnatik.tf2 HUPER bitch [6v6] atomic-
Left Dead Zone [6v6] Lukas
Joined Dead Zone [6v6] Lukas
Left Dead Zone [6v6] Lukas
Joined Dead Zone [6v6] Lukas
Left Crimson Flow [6v6] Lukas
Joined Crimson Flow [6v6] Lukas
Left Green Team [6v6] Lukas
Joined Green Team [6v6] Lukas
Left schoolskill.tf.war [6v6] Lukas
Joined schoolskill.tf.war [6v6] Lukas
Left ParanoidTF2Team [6v6] Lukas
Joined ParanoidTF2Team [6v6] Lukas
Left Paranoid [6v6] Lukas
Joined Paranoid [6v6] Lukas
Left eXist eSports [6v6] TeX
Joined Chłopaki ze Stajni [Highlander] Lukas
Joined eXist eSports [6v6] Lukas
Left HolyShit! [6v6] Lukas
Joined HolyShit! [6v6] Lukas
Left eXist eSports [6v6] Lukas
Joined eXist eSports [6v6] Lukas
Left Jezdzcy Apokalipsy [6v6] Sindri Myr
Joined Jezdzcy Apokalipsy [6v6] Lukas
Left Rampage Team [6v6] Lukas
Joined Rampage Team [6v6] Wigglez
Left e-Gaming Cube [6v6] Lukas
Joined e-Gaming Cube [6v6] Lukas
Left Voodoo Gaming [6v6] Lukas
Joined Voodoo Gaming [6v6] Lukas
Left Ociekajacy Zajebistoscia [6v6] Lukas
Joined Ociekajacy Zajebistoscia [6v6] hOOPE

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  1. Keeway: TWC said:



  2. vthrd: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    Overrating himself AS FUCK.

    He cant stand that hes not ready for div2 level.

  3. wrex said:

    such a great guy, good luck

  4. Lukas: ti. said:

    POLAND VS ME 10:0.

    Keeway – im the king of mge , thx.
    Vtrhd what are you talking about?.

  5. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:


  6. Starkie: ulti? - sniper said:

    Excellent soldier definitely div2 skill
    Dummy also approves

  7. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    better scout ! 3/2 for sure ! gl my bro!
    KLATA PLECY BARKI od tego sa ciezarki

  8. Traxx: TOOSTRONG said:

    Worth trying out, gl.

  9. Tappa said:

    GL> lukas <3

  10. gio: -HYP- said:

    very talented and friendly soldier he is surely decent for div3/2. good luck lucas. (also he is more popular than justin bieber ;) )

  11. Lukas: ti. said:


  12. Lukas: ti. said:


  13. Cizeer said:

    dude, maybe you should start looking for team below 3/2d and you will find finally a team. Then try to play at least 1 full season in this team and then you will be (MAYBE) ready for 2div (with more experience from officials and games with stable team).

  14. Lukas: ti. said:

    Just read my post , Btw i have some trialls yet.

  15. Cizeer said:

    i read your post but maybe it’s not your minus just blockade to get 2div team?

    anyway, gl :)

  16. flaktarget said:

    to ja widze ze w Polsce poziom dywizjonu 5 to jest 3/2. smieszny kraj as well. na moje to ty powinienes sprobowac cos w dywizjonie 5, moze low 4 poszukac bo soras ale ta gra nie jest twoim konikiem; ). pograj ty cos w normalnym zespole na twoim poziomie, potrenuj z nimi to moze kiedys bedziesz w stanie pograc cos na takim poziomie jakiego teraz sie rozgladasz.

    ewentualnie mozesz cos z pezem pokombinowac i Tardusem, mniej-wiecej twoj poziom. stworzcie sobie jakis sklad na div 5 na poczatek i cos pograjcie jezeli tak bardzo chcecie.

    powodzenia i nie poddawaj sie! czerp przyjemnosc n dont hate.

  17. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    flaktarget–> ziom jak lukas gral w div4 dluzszy czas temu to czemu ma szukac nizszy poziom? 3div to dla niego dobre miejsce a do mojego poziomu czy tardusa to mu jeszcze barkuje. pozdrawiam

  18. Lukas: ti. said:

    No własnie ! :D

  19. Lukas: ti. said:

    Po za tym naogladales sie screenow z mge ? , Gdybyś grał ze mną normalny mecz na poziomie div 2/3 wtedy mógłbyś wgl coś o mnie mówić . Narazie miałem 2 triale gdzie otwierałem tabele , Rozwiewam odrazu twoj rejdz bo powiesz że punkty to nie wszystko albo , że to fart. Większość z tych co tu się wypowiadają nic nie wiedzą o moim skillu bo nie grali ze mną ani jednego meczu, na tym poziomie. A jeżeli skill oceniają po grach w div 5 mixie lub mge to /facepalm.

  20. vthrd: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    Actually i played few mixes with him and he seemed alright and cool guy. Gl

  21. Lukas: ti. said:

    bump ,2

  22. Lukas: ti. said:


  23. Lukas: ti. said:

    another drops ,

  24. Tomek: 8===D said:

    to juz przestalo byc smieszne : D

  25. Szymciu: M` said:

    na 100% nie div2 może słaba 3

  26. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:

    emm soldem to d4 a szymon nie odzywaj sie nawet ;dddddddd

  27. Lukas: ti. said:

    Szymciu moj kolego grales kiedys ze mna po za mge?
    PS: Nie wiem dlaczego nikt w Eu mnie nie “hejtuje?” Zazdrość?.

    Anyway thx :D

  28. Szymciu: M` said:

    Czego mam zazdrościc że szukasz teamu 10 lat ? Tak grałem kilka razy z tobą poza mge.
    I nie jestes d2 jak mówiłem max div 3 i to słaba.

  29. Ash: cc// - cc// said:

    Dm is on par with the average div 3 soldier, yet his gamesens is akin to a div 4 standard. Really needs to work on joining a solid team and improving with them. Nice enough guy though, good luck.

  30. Lukas: ti. said:

    Chyba na Pickupie hehe,
    Ash we play yesterday only one match when we lose fast 5:0 . No one was played well

  31. Lukas: ti. said:

    Fail , is no that Ash :D