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Medic  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Latvia Ninte ❤

Posted: | Last Online:

Hurro! C:

So yeah. :3 Kind of looking for a team at the moment, couldn't be bothered with making my own. ^^ Would like a team with nice people that are serious about the game, basically just to skip ahead a long intro and jump right into regular stuff:

*Avaliability is out of questions. I don't have a life, so yeah. ^^
*A div4 medic, but I'd like to try div3 as well, however excuse me if you don't get what you expect. :c
*Able to maincall, however I am shy at the moments, but if you give me some time and space I am sure I'll get used to it and maincall fine.
*A weaboo, as noted by Vanilla, who's a lovely person to have around in mumble ^^
*Avaliable to play games outsitde TF2 (L4D/KF/etc)


*Division 4 skill, as well as I am expecting tactics being talked about after the game and stuff.
*At least 4 nights per week of playing 2+ matches.
*Rageless peeps, who are up for a joke and stuff, while still being serious during games
*S11 is a huge bonus
*Mumble and War server are a must.

Add me on steam for a nice cup of tea! ~_^

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:39747240 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Syndicate Blue [6v6] Ninte ❤
Joined Syndicate Blue [6v6] Ninte ❤
Left Cosmos [6v6] redou
Joined I Freaking Love Haggis [Highlander] Tearmisu
Left Unusual Methods [Highlander] Ninte ❤
Joined Cosmos [6v6] Ninte ❤
Left Actiz [6v6] Ninte ❤
Joined Actiz [6v6] Tornf4lk
Left Pixelated Union [6v6] Ninte ❤
Joined Pixelated Union [6v6] Ninte ❤
Left EASY TARGET [6v6] Ninte ❤
Joined EASY TARGET [6v6] fybedi
Left Team Frequency [6v6] Ninte ❤
Joined Unusual Methods [Highlander] TOSA
Joined Team Frequency [6v6] Ninte ❤
Left Four Pounds and Ninety Three Pence [6v6] Ninte ❤
Left deFend.lander [Highlander] Ninte ❤
Joined Four Pounds and Ninety Three Pence [6v6] Ninte ❤
Left deFend. [6v6] walters
Joined deFend.lander [Highlander] walters
Joined deFend. [6v6] walters
Left failed [6v6] Bonkers
Joined failed [6v6] Ninte ❤
Left Deux bords [6v6] kiwii-
Joined Deux bords [6v6] Ninte ❤
Left Special Tactis Team arena [6v6 Fun Team] Ninte ❤
Left Special Tactics Team [6v6] Ninte ❤
Joined Special Tactis Team arena [6v6 Fun Team] Some1
Joined Special Tactics Team [6v6] Some1

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View Div 5/Div 6 16 357
View Div 5/Div 6 0 60
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View Div 5/Div 6 4 211


  1. Tearmisu said:

    Bad @ making teams.

  2. Ninte ❤: -IFLH- said:

    ^ what Last Tear said.

  3. Vanilla_Mi: F! said:

    Comms in japanese, wouldnt recommend

  4. Szymciu: M` said:

    hmm 4/5

  5. Ninte ❤: -IFLH- said:

    Why is someone I never played with setting my div here? o_o And lol, Vanilla, I wish I could. :D

  6. Archivalds: 105 said:

    Russian more than latvian :D
    Good medic, good as person and he have cool haircut (he thinks that :D)
    He is good electrician and can help you with russian language!
    Skill level is ~4 div.
    He can talk latvian with russian accent :D
    OKOK he is friend of atomic.
    So yeah take him top 4 divisions!


  7. BaR: REVERTO said:

    im a better medic than him :D

  8. Natijs :o) said:

    very talented player

  9. Ninte ❤: -IFLH- said:

    BUMP IT UP~! ;3

  10. rts: PrettyGay said:

    this guy is hilarious LOL