ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Portugal Grow uP Gaming

Posted by Keeway: | Last Online:

So we are Aimless and we need pocket soldier to our line up.

We are looking for:
*Good english comms
*The right skill level (div5/4)
*A sociable person – don't want people only on for the games etc.
*The drive to improve

We offer:
*Playing in div 5 (s11)

Add me on steam: keeway94

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  1. vthrd: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    cool guys, i love keeway and cookie <3

  2. Keeway: TWC said:


  3. atomic said:

    Javainis is a pretty retarded player
    no aim, no brain
    gl guyz

  4. vthrd: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    Javainis got aim but no brain xD

  5. atomic said:

    orly? he was playing 20 mins as a sniper, couldn’t kill anyone, while I was fucking enemy team as a scout by my own. Then he decided to pick a scout and I took a sniper to get some headshotz, after first headshot I got kicked from his server. As he said: ”I will kick him from my server for playing sniper”

  6. oxy: TK said:

    yes, javainis is retarded (doesnt listen, charges into death)
    typhoon needs a bit more skill
    thats my opinion
    and typhoon javainis are irresponsible, especially for cups and tournaments… they do it in the last moment..

  7. morti said:


  8. vthrd: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    Vitaliy i was talking about his skills as a demoman

  9. atomic said:

    don’t care
    gamesense is the most important part in this game, if he is acting liek a retard and playing full-time sniper and THEN kicking another sniper JUST BECAUSE IT’S HIS SERVER >>>> then he’s a retard.
    ye I’m mad nao, btw cookie and keeway are pretty cool guyz, gl to them

  10. Szymciu: M` said:

    Atomic 6 div player gl
    Aimless Top 5 div Gl

  11. atomic said:

    shame I’m so bad

  12. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:


  13. vthrd: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    atomic div6 baddie XDDDDDD

  14. atomic said:

    XDDD bad div6 pidar :<
    but tardus still is a disaster

  15. icaruZ said:

    aimless , describes half of it, the other half is clueless!

  16. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:


  17. Szymciu: M` said:

    Szymciu vs Tardus 20:02 on mge learn to play solly NOW PLZ.

  18. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:

    like mge matters
    and i dont know who plays in d5 me or u

  19. Szymciu: M` said:

    me 5 u 6 gl

  20. vthrd: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    dem haters

  21. Keeway: TWC said:

    We are still looking for these classes.

  22. J3r7y said:

    i would love to join, im very good at english and even better with scout. i can play almost every day all day. im friendly and looking to improve and have a good time. i have a mic so i can communicate. im new to competitive side of TF2 but been pubbing for a very long time with great succes ive also done some TF2lobbying (what i heard is 6 div is the “noobiest” so im into that)

    pls add me trough steam if intrested: Herra. J

  23. Augutysh said:

    NO javainis, no Typhoon, they gonna rape

  24. Cho said:

    still need a demo, bump bump bump

  25. Pinklùùùnnyngen: CotC said:

    pick up J3r7y. He’s really good at english

  26. Javainis said:

    atomic. 1. I kick you from lobby and you rage and with you i not play with sniper. 2. you playing with spy fucking troll. 3. no aim, no brain? Funny message… 4. Stop Rage Dude :DDD.

    Augustysh rage more ;(.

  27. The Reverend said:

    I was playing with that russian that day, and he didn’t take spy. You were playing half of the game as a shitty sniper, then you took scout and he took sniper.
    Get your english together kid.

  28. Javainis said:

    I’am not fucking English man so i’am don’t wanna talk good english… I’am talk good Lithuania and it’s good for me…

  29. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:

    lol thats all just pathetic

  30. cappz's: -IFLH- said:

    I’m pretty sure this new squad will be better than old one GL!

  31. Keeway: TWC said:

    I blame you Javainis you told admins, that my team will drop from etf2l …

  32. rts: PrettyGay said:

    javaini nustok kalbėt angliškai ir pyzdavotis iš savęs :))

  33. cappz's: -IFLH- said:

    one does not simply leave the team without folding it,gl QQ’ing on other rec posts, javainis

  34. Keeway: TWC said:

    Still looking for back up medic.

  35. Keeway: TWC said:

    We are looking for back up medic and roam soldier.

  36. cappz's: -IFLH- said:

    can we play 20cet

  37. sky said:

    If u need a scout, add me

  38. Keeway: TWC said:

    From now we are looking only for roam soldier.

  39. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:

    i mentor them =D

  40. Keeway: TWC said:

    Tralalalaalalaal bump medic and scout needed.