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DemomanScoutSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

England Stimpy

Posted: | Last Online:

Seasoned division 5/6 Veteran.

Would like to play demo or scout, as these are my worst classes and i would like to get better at them. also recently broken my finger, so not 100% atm.

Demo: Div 6
Scout: Div 5 maybe v low 4
Soli: Div 4 maybe 3.
Medic: Div 4/3/2 (not played div 2 in ages, but sure it would come back in no time.)

As Demo i will get the roll outs down 1 day. (rest is ok.)
As Scout i will protect my demo like he is my own mother.
As Soli would prefer pocket, but could roam if need be.

Dont really care about how good or bad the team is, aslong as you are willing to listen and take some of it in.

Thats all folks.

P.S If that fails i will concider making a team for those who might be interested.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:10171961 Add Friend

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Left The Pact Community [6v6] Stimpy
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Left Special Air Service [6v6] Stimpy
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Left DAKKA gaming [6v6] lolage
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Joined DAKKA gaming [6v6] ExcessiveEvil
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Joined Voices Of Independence [6v6] Pissmidget
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  1. lolage: TSPAG said:

    Good guy, taught me the majority I know about demo which is probs why I’m bad. :33

    Give him a team!

  2. DjShrew said:

    May need help with the rollouts lolage, ;) may have to call up some old favors.

  3. Pinklùùùnnyngen: CotC said:

    prem rollouts

  4. v1ruuz said:

    prem teamhistory

  5. Nikola said:


  6. Wolf :D: PStM - DStS said:

    no aim, a bit of brain. will rage if not winning or not going well for him especially as demo. nice guy, demo is div6 and scout maybe div5.

    if he does rollouts as demo don’t expect any comms about game till mid is over they will be about how great his rollouts are. ;) Don’t worry rarely gets them right!

    <3 you djpoo!

  7. Pakis: OST said:

    Great guy , taught me a lot of in competative play in TF2. He likes to mentor people more then he likes to play . He has a lot of brain , his aim is a bit rusty becouse of the finger but he will heal and get better.
    GL Shrew :)

  8. DjShrew said:

    @wolf will rage at scouts if not doing there job yes, and maybe medic if i am shit low on mid.

    but really i just enjoyed raging at u. ;)

  9. Nikola said:

    l2p please

  10. DjShrew said:

    Bump new project needed, or a shits and giggles lol team.

  11. Pinklùùùnnyngen: CotC said:

    If he says he can handle a certain skill level, he’s probably right, mainly depending on his gamesense rather than aim.
    Though tbh, personally, I disliked him enough to consider ragequitting my own team, so (probabably) non-Objectively speaking: demo div6 (if he can sort out his rollouts, div4), scout div 6, maybe 5 (his aim was shit a month ago, so i don’t expect any incredible improvements over that timespan), soldier never saw him play it, medic – only saw him play that with me 3 times, so – can’t say for sure. last Time i saw him play medic, i’d rate him at a top div5 level (-2months ago)(wasn’t capable of maincalling – just a mix though- and his heals were sub-par for a div3 medic) (new divs, not old) max. But that’s just me and him being out of practice. Anyhow, hope u can get a solid team u enjoy playing with

  12. Pinklùùùnnyngen: CotC said:

    inb4 madding at me in steam chat cause i say the truth

  13. DjShrew said:

    No need to rage on steam, but I’m sure u have only see me play demo. And maybe scout once or twice, which are my worst classes. When I played medic usually it was because I was drunk and no one else wanted to play it, so I took one for the team.

    (never played it serious when we played however, sure u can ask wolf, pakis, nova, geass and a few other about what I was like playing properly.)

    You made it quite clear that u disliked me and that fine no issue with that, but did make it a somewhat hostile environment, which then later lead to the demise of what was once a nice friendly team.

    Think since I changed my config my scout aim has improved quite a bit personally, however like I said it is still one of my weaker classes.

    Anyway GL is Rasta, shame u felt the need to leave IDK.
    To this day i still dont know what ur issue was with me?

  14. Pinklùùùnnyngen: CotC said:

    Hmm, u’re right about not taking it seriously when u played medic/solly (but tbh, I had the feeling u never did, whatever class you played.), so I’ll probably be wrong on how I rated u for them. I really don’t feel like I underrated u for demo and scout.
    Once again, Best of luck man
    (And about my issues with, Incompatible personalities I guess. And tbh, can’t even remember madposting that poop yesterday. Must be some deeeep grudges that i have :D fight u at lan bro!)

  15. v1ruuz said:

    best dj eu

  16. DjShrew said:

    The sad thing is i did try as demo ;) but im still bad, sure if/when i get the rollouts sorted rest will be fine.

  17. DjShrew said:


  18. Loco: Mayo said:

    shrew is a nice guy,however i think shrew should stick to one class ie solly,
    he could probably play in a div3 team and i would say he needs to work on having more faith in his team mates when they push,
    and i would say some positonal play can be a bit of a problem aim wise he is at the standard posted here and with a stable roster could do quite well in a good div3 team…
    i would say he has potential as a soldier and if anyone is looking for an upcoming solly give him a few games might be suprised :)

  19. Sasuke: ORACLE said:

    sick solly yo