ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Switzerland Team Colonslash: Shine ☼

Posted by Oxy: | Last Online:

Welcome. We are Team Colonslash: Shine and we are going to be entering div 4 in S12.
We are on the lookout for a new scout for our team.

So what do we expect from you. Well, we expect you to be up to scratch at a top div4 level as I feel this is the level of the rest of the team. You need to be competent at your roles and responsibilities in the team and follow them. Obviously we also want the usual knowledge of positioning and gamesense from you.

So, to summarise:

– At a solid div 4 level
– We play mon, tues, weds & thurs from 8-11 CET
– Competent at your roles
– Willing to be part of a COMMUNITY, not just a team
– Perfect speaking english, preferably a chatty person who likes to talk about other stuff and not just TF2

However, this isn't a world where we expect something for nothing. In return we offer you:

– A TF2 server for use in our games or your own mixes, lobbies etc
– A mumble server
– 6 willing players who are ready to listen to your views in order to improve as a team

If you think that you fit the description we would love to hear from you! Please contact myself, Oxy, either through steam or in #etf2l (@SheepyOxy) since these are the best ways to get hold of me.

That's just about all I've got on this, if you have any questions or wish to apply for a trial then please get in contact with me.


PS. We like cheese and worms. Just a warning.

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View Div 4 38 1253


  1. Spike Himself: TC said:


  2. Pinklùùùnnyngen: CotC said:

    I like custard, can I get a trial as pyro?

  3. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    Sorry its got to be those exact requirements. Cheese >>> Custard

  4. Trane said:

    How many of you are actually Welsh, just out of interest?

    Also, nice guys, good team etc.

  5. AeZ!: TP said:

    What kind of cookie is it?

    Because I don’t like marzipan so if you have one with it, I won’t be interested in joining anymore.

  6. Oxy: TC.Express said:


    Also @ Trane we have 1 welsh guy, but he talks enough for three <3

  7. Spike Himself: TC said:


  8. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:


  9. Pinklùùùnnyngen: CotC said:

    I like cheese and man cheese

  10. Spike Himself: TC said:

    cheeeesy does it

  11. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    Non-smokers only need apply.

  12. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    I see what you did there Oxy… well, no heals for you then :P

  13. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    @ spike… nice worms quote :D
    @ reservoir… admin ninja edits are win :D

  14. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    Ok so sadly we are now looking for a roamer instead of a backup.

  15. Spike Himself: TC said:


  16. Jarva: Pinnacle said:

    Well Hello..