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Soldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

CzechRepublic Hitm@n

Posted: | Last Online:

Ok, Dakka.prime folded so I am looking for new team. But first of all I'd like to say thanks to all guys that were in Dakka, it was a great time with great people.

Now about the recruitment post.

I am looking for div 2 team that:

– is stable
– is English speaking
– has a good group people(mature guys, not arogant cunts), with a sense for humor
– wants to learn new stuff and get higher
– is using mumble :)
– no ragers¨
– good atmophere

And what about me?

– 20 years old
– usually calm/non-rage guy:)
– pocket soldier
– good english skill
– i am able to play 20-22 CET
– "talkactive" – well tbh im usually quiet before/after game(it's just my personality), but imo during the game I am calling enough – only important stuff
– always open for constructive criticism
– willing to improve

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:33468790 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left exitus [6v6] LUKASTANK
Joined exitus [6v6] LUKASTANK
Left SixSense [6v6] Hitm@n
Left Czech Republic [National 6v6 Team] Rok0s
Joined SixSense [6v6] Hitm@n
Left unity_ [6v6] Hitm@n
Left [B] [2v2] george
Joined Czech Republic [National 6v6 Team] Hitm@n
Joined [B] [2v2] george
Left iron factor [2v2] Hitm@n
Joined iron factor [2v2] sparčoo
Left Few Talents [2v2] Hitm@n
Joined unity_ [6v6] kitas
Left VAWX [6v6] Hitm@n
Joined VAWX [6v6] konr
Left FoWlded [6v6] Hitm@n
Left Czech/Slovak Highlander Team [Highlander] woo
Joined Czech/Slovak Highlander Team [Highlander] nalim
Joined Few Talents [2v2] Poly
Joined FoWlded [6v6] Hitm@n

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 1/Div 2 17 845
View Div 3 6 390
View Div 3/Div 4 2 270


  1. rockie said:

    good suoulja, great person <3 div2 approved ;)

  2. Setlet said:

    This guy is a lot more than just a div2 soldier. This man is a fcking beast. He plays calmly, never misses and hits those airshots ten times as much as a normal soldier. This man should be given the change to play in a high level team. After some time to get adjust to pro level games, this is the man everyone wants to be. The div6 fanboys will scream like little girls when he happens to join the same MGE/DM server. He is the newest talent in the TF2 scene and if I was playing as a soldier in premier, I would give this man my spot. He will be the best soldier around.

    HI HITMAN <3

  3. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    def div2

  4. Hyde.: maksa said:

    I pretty much agree with Setlet, except that i think Hit is a fag who should play div6.
    Nah, but seriously now if i had to describe him with one word i’d say “responsible”. Why? He has no bad day when he doesn’t get the frag he wants or lets his medic die by mistake. No, i played with him for like a half year, and i can’t remember a SINGLE match where he had been making mistakes. BUT! I remember many games that were carried by him, beastin round, hits several airshots in a row and stuff. Anyway my english knowledge isnt good enough to describe the complicated way how i worship him. The team that gets him will be a lucky one, no doubt.

  5. Warcloud: [MC] said:

    Hitman is the type of soldier that any medic would want to have around for protection.

  6. gold: ympocucked said:

    What else i can add? He’s excellent pocket, good at airshooting, clear calls, good gamesence…
    He’s just best soldier around, pick him up fast :)


  7. RisinG: MAFIA said:

    cool guy and a good pocket soldier.
    should be able to play divison 2 definetely.
