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DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Azerbaijan Dont Shoot the Medic

Posted by t1gr3: | Last Online:

Just seeing if its worth giving this a shot again.

Some of us are looking to start playing again, but only 2/3 times a week ish, so were looking for people of similar mindsets to play a few times a week.

Most of the regular classes because it won't be overly serious, so if your happy mixing and matching and just having a laugh then get in touch. This may not get off the ground but want to see if anyone is keen.

We have been around a while, have a few other teams still playing in our community, servers mumble etc. We didnt play last season as we went inactive over the summer but for those that haven't heard of us we were in the Div2 playoffs with Vier and uV (now called something else I think).

-Good English
-Dont be an utter retard
-If your looking to play uber seriously, don't add me, because you will waste our time as much as your own

I realise this isn't an awful lot of info, but I don't even know if we will go ahead with this or not, or if I can find enough players on my friends list.

Any questions, ask away



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  1. Trane said:

    Well we’ve got a div 3 and a div 4 team ready for next season, would be great if the community had a div 2 team as well!

    Ryan is a really nice guy and it’s a shame the DStM of old went the way it did, best of luck with this mate, mumble is already a nice place to be but a few more friendly voices could certainly add to it.

  2. Si^: T2P - [PG] said:

    would require a lot of work to get back on form again not to sound harsh. Loved DStM regardless good luck.

  3. BaTMaN: [MC] said:


  4. lolage: TSPAG said:

    t1gr3 is a beast

  5. Candy: MEAT said:

    Im not sure if im div2 good. But im here if u want me. If for nothing else mix me, cuz im gettin bored of playing dm ='( <3

  6. Tobyy: TEZC - Pixie <3 said:

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