ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Demoman  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Portugal skA

Posted: | Last Online:

Can play 5 nights a week.
no rage.
Looking for an already built team that have been playing together for a long time.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:44246161 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Portugal [National 6v6 Team] Kiler4fun
Joined unoriginal eSports by TF2Pickup.net [6v6] MARS^
Left MASTERMINDS [6v6] skA
Left kaidus and skatcher love child [1v1] skA
Joined Portugal [National 6v6 Team] kalhó
Joined MASTERMINDS [6v6] Concrete
Left Angry Little Pandas [Highlander] skA
Left iTuga [6v6 Fun Team] skA
Left redpandas.tf [6v6] Kaylus
Joined redpandas.tf [6v6] Kaylus
Left MASTERMINDS [6v6] Keelk
Joined MASTERMINDS [6v6] skA
Left Grow uP Gaming [6v6] skA
Joined Grow uP Gaming [6v6] skA
Joined iTuga [6v6 Fun Team] skA
Left MASTERMINDS [6v6] Kriptz
Joined MASTERMINDS [6v6] skA
Left randomname [6v6] Warden
Joined randomname [6v6] skA
Left Insane Dynamite Monkeys [6v6] Kokojambo
Joined Insane Dynamite Monkeys [6v6] Kokojambo
Left eQuilibrium [6v6] skA
Joined eQuilibrium [6v6] skA
Left cause i couldn't find a better name [6v6] skA
Joined cause i couldn't find a better name [6v6] skA
Left eQuilibrium [6v6] skA
Joined eQuilibrium [6v6] kalhó
Left fm-eSports.tf2 [6v6] skA
Joined kaidus and skatcher love child [1v1] skA
Joined Angry Little Pandas [Highlander] skA
Joined fm-eSports.tf2 [6v6] skA
Left beQuick. [6v6] didex
Left Comunidade Portuguesa TF2 [Highlander] Haunter
Joined beQuick. [6v6] didex
Left Bad News - Si^ Edition [6v6] skA
Joined Bad News - Si^ Edition [6v6] Ghostface
Left Team ARA [6v6] skA
Left am i nerd? [1v1] skA
Joined am i nerd? [1v1] skA
Joined Team ARA [6v6] skA
Left To Be Announced [6v6] skA
Joined To Be Announced [6v6] skA
Left Work in Progress [6v6] skA
Joined Comunidade Portuguesa TF2 [Highlander] Haunter
Left Fangubulous Ankle-Biting Butt Munchers [Highlander] skA
Joined Work in Progress [6v6] Marcu
Left Team ARA [6v6] skA
Joined Team ARA [6v6] skA
Left pwnd [6v6] skA
Joined pwnd [6v6] alexioR
Left iTuga eSports [6v6] skA
Joined iTuga eSports [6v6] Marcu
Left iTuga eSports [6v6] skA
Joined iTuga eSports [6v6] skA
Left pwnd [6v6] skA
Joined super ninja turtles [2v2] skA
Joined Fangubulous Ankle-Biting Butt Munchers [Highlander] chocolatE :>
Left 7 lives highlander [Highlander] skA
Joined 7 lives highlander [Highlander] Rufy
Joined pwnd [6v6] skA
Left Lunatics [6v6] skA
Joined Lunatics [6v6] skA
Left Sublime TF2 [6v6] skA
Joined Sublime TF2 [6v6] skA
Left Superb Gaming [6v6] skA
Joined Superb Gaming [6v6] skA
Left ExtremeKill [6v6] Mozz
Joined ExtremeKill [6v6] skA

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 1/Div 2 0 289
View Div 1/Div 2 1 387
View Div 1/Div 2 7 674
View Div 1/Div 2 11 484
View Div 2/Div 3 7 572
View Div 4 0 380
View Div 4 0 322
View Mid- 3 371
View Mid- 0 327
View Low+ 5 548


  1. The Man with many Faces: spire said:

    div 2ez

  2. :blind.pt said:

    good team player and …. ur AWESOME :D

    gl ;p

  3. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    beast, huge talent, 2div 4 sure, maybe 1!

  4. Kalhó: MM - Nave said:

    voice of a girl
    cock of a black
    nothing can stop
    this little brat

  5. Marcu said:

    this guy has the potential, pick him!

  6. skadius: TF2Pickup said:

    bump =)

  7. Alphazen said:

    Cool kid who knows how to kick-ass as a Demoman! This kid is a must on div2 team! Best Cheers!

  8. Vaskie: BulletClub said:

    Without a single doubt, Skadius is the best player I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing with.. by far.

    Not only does he have an absurd potencial, but as a player Skadius is someone who learns from mistakes, who cares for the best of his team, and who is willing to help others.

    He is probably the reason why i personally had so much fun with the game, he made sure everyone was trying their best but at the same time enjoyed themselves.

    Honestly he is a player who is far above the capabilities of a Division 2-3 team and possibly even Division 1 with some help.

    The fact that he knows his game, knows the weaknesses of his team, and knows his own weaknesses, makes it so that he can give his best towards helping others instead of picking up frags after frags alone.

    Skadius also recognizes the priorities of the team, making him one of the best players to have in any roster since he puts effort into his team being on top, and on top only.

    Honestly i hope someone gives him an opportunity, because otherwise they are losing a top fragger and a kid with an incredible potential.

    Goodluck Broseph Ska

  9. skadius: TF2Pickup said:


  10. skadius: TF2Pickup said:


  11. kawaii said:

    good player good guy

  12. Chunkeymunkey said:

    VERY good player, as he said he doesnt rage and totally a div 2 demo

  13. didex: A4 said:


  14. Dr.KriPtz: |LP| - A4 said:


  15. skadius: TF2Pickup said:


  16. skadius: TF2Pickup said:
