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Season 4

Division 6f

Week 3

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by EternaLi (Unaimed)



1 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



4 - 4

[Screenshots: A ]

Sweden Unaimed vs Germany Disturbed Gamers
1 - 4

SteamID Screenshots: A


Disturbed Gamers (6) kerrieeee, mr.vinni, Dude, electro, bl4ckc0re, apex
Unaimed (6) EternaLi, FlogstaHP, NoOnesHero, gherkin, ekke, jodaa


  1. bl4ckc0re said:

    hi unaimed!

    When do you want to play the match? Would tuesday 27th at 7pm GMT be ok?
    If not, every tuesday, saturday and sunday at this time would also suit us.

    Our server:
    Try out if you have a playable ping there.

  2. Eternal: U.sumo - U/² said:

    Hi! No that’s too early actually. We haven’t played our week 2 match then. Tuesday 3 feb @ 20.00 CET?

  3. bl4ckc0re said:

    3 february 20.00CET is ok.

  4. bl4ckc0re said:

    server? ours? yours?

  5. Eternal: U.sumo - U/² said:

    added you on steam.

  6. bl4ckc0re said:

    pw is haunted if our server is protected

  7. Eternal: U.sumo - U/² said:

    Your server seems ok!

  8. Eternal: U.sumo - U/² said:


  9. mr.vinni: Synergy™ said:

    gg and wp unaimed

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