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Season 4

Division 6f

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by FlagZero (Guru Gaming)



1 - 6

[Screenshots: A B ]



0 - 7

[Screenshots: A B ]

Croatia Guru Gaming vs Germany Disturbed Gamers
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A B C


Guru Gaming (5) Ralja, FlagZero, ih, Chux, Twinings
Disturbed Gamers (9) Hoji808, Trevelyan006, kerrieeee, mr.vinni, Chickenb00ster, Dude, electro, Xtreme, bl4ckc0re
Unrostered (1) Tejo.hr


  1. FlagZero: guru - G-Yoda said:

    I hope you agree with the date and time.

  2. nighthawk said:

    No sorry, we have our first Wireplay match there. I hope the new date is okay for you!

  3. FlagZero: guru - G-Yoda said:

    Your server ip?

  4. FlagZero: guru - G-Yoda said:

    Our server is: connect; password nobwar

  5. mr.vinni: Synergy™ said:

    gg guys…

  6. FlagZero: guru - G-Yoda said:

    gg and GL

  7. Pedog said:

    wtf? on guru screenshot DG Lost 6 : 1 and on DG screenshoz they won 6 : 1?

  8. iharhajster said:

    bla bla bla

  9. iharhajster said:

    i’m just testing comment box :D
    i don’t know about result i’ll ask flagzero he took that shoot. ok?

  10. bl4ckc0re said:

    definitely it’s dg 6-1 guru. must some kind of mistake.

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