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Season 4

Division 6e

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Steve (The Lost Kings)

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.



0 - 8

[Screenshots: A B ]



2 - 4

[Screenshots: A B ]

International HellJumpers vs Germany The Lost Kings
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


The Lost Kings (5) Miata, Blazer, psygh0st, Drunkard, Crossfire
HellJumpers (6) Genoc1de, Smaaj, MTT, Udderman, Cuddles, Stumpee
Unregistered (1) [TLK] Pedog


  1. [TLK] Pedog said:

    which date you prefer?

  2. Medic1de: HJ| said:

    Starts Monday the 12th, so tuesday the 13th or Thursday the 15th are ok with us?

  3. Blazer said:

    tuesday is ok we think

  4. [TLK] Pedog said:

    Okay we have chosen tuesday the 13th at 20 CET.

    Server IP : :73314 and pw is pcw. Check please for Pings

    Greetings Pedog

  5. Pedog said: sry wrong port nummer

  6. Pedog said: wrong port nummer on the other post

  7. Sunskiii: ptt. said:

    Stv on ?

  8. Pedog said:

    1 slot only :(

  9. Sunskiii: ptt. said:

    Source tv plz

  10. Pedog said:

    Its only a 1 slot STV and this slot is reserved for an other player

  11. Pedog said:

    gg HellJumpers! was a close match at Badlands!

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